Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Virus that killed the Anglo Democracies

When future historians will put their minds to analyzing and understanding how Democracy died in the twenty first century, they'll find a treasure trove of instances in the English-speaking democracies, into which to delve and trace the step by step dissolution of a system of governance that was overwhelmed by factors beyond Democracy's ability to handle.

First, the historians would be cognizant of the reality that the development of human society has mimicked the evolutionary process of the gene that sacrificed itself when necessary to assure the survival of the family; the family that sacrificed itself for the survival of the tribe and the tribe that sacrificed itself for the survival of the species. But something caused the English-speaking democracies to reverse the natural trend. What happened was that people in power began to sacrifice the interests of the nation to score political victories for their party; sacrifice the party for the political victories of their faction, and sacrifice the faction for their personal gains.

This resulted in the gradual weakening of the bond that binds a nation together. With that, the English democracies caught all kinds of socioeconomic and sociopolitical diseases they could not overcome. And so, they adapted and treated as normal what used to be unthinkable only two or three generations earlier. This stance accelerated the further degeneration of the democracies to the point where they became the “sick man” of the rising powers everywhere else on the planet, be they big powers or medium and small powers.

These discoveries will bring future historians to focus on one of the archetypal viruses that contributed mightily to the decomposition of the American system of governance. He is Ted Cruz who was reputed in his time, to sell his own mother into prostitution if asked to do so by the Jews who promised not to destroy his career, and may even have promised to contribute Benjamins to his campaigns if he would trample on the interests of America to satisfy the interests of Israel.

Well, my friend, this being the month of September of the year 2019 –– just about 400 days before the next presidential election –– and sensing the possibility that the current President Donald Trump, may be fatally wounded and out of the race before then, Ted Cruz, who was crushed by Trump the last time they ran against each other, is preparing to step into the race and have his moment of glory under the glaring lights of the magnificent catchword of come-back-kid.

The first step that Ted Cruz took in the long journey that's ahead, was to write a missive to his Jewish masters, signaling his intention to try his luck once again, and reassuring them that he is as devoted to their causes as he has always been. The missive came in the form of an article he wrote under the title “Time for Trump to trigger the UN snapback on Iran,” published on September 20, 2019 in the New York Post.

Knowing exactly what the Jews expect of their moral prostitutes, Ted Cruz delivered it to the letter, obeying their command which goes like this: If you have the power to serve our interests, exercise it. If you don't have the power, you must do two things. You attack our enemy of the day, and you tell those who have the power what to do that will serve our interests.

And you, my friend, will find that this is exactly what Ted Cruz has done in his piece of writing. The Iranians being the ones that the Jews chose to make their enemy of the day, and former President Barack Obama being their permanent bogeyman, Ted Cruz attacked them both as follows:

“Iran is hindering an investigation into a nuclear facility. Its proxies in Lebanon attacked Israel. Its military committed an act of war against Saudi Arabia to harm our economy. Their Javad Zarif threatened an all-out war. The catastrophic Obama-Iran nuclear deal flooded the Iranians with hundreds of billions of dollars, thus contributed to the recent attacks. The Iranians continue to launch attacks across the Middle East and continue to block access to the suspected nuclear facility”.

And the following is the manner in which Ted Cruz chose to tell his Jewish masters how he'll serve their interests if he gets elected President of the United States. Addressing them, he adopted the style of pretending to advise President Trump how he can serve the interests of America, which has become euphemism for saying how to serve the interests of Israel:

“New sanctions were imposed on Iran's banks. Unless we take additional action, this will be drowned out. The structure of the nuclear deal was locked in by a security council resolution that will terminate the restrictions as per a sunset clause built into the deal. There is a way to reverse course: the so-called snapback mechanism. Meanwhile, we must continue to pressure the Iranians economically. Last Congress, a bill I introduced would fully cut off Iran from the global financial system. I plan to introduce an updated version in the coming months”.

Continuing with the charade of speaking about America using the language of the Israelis, Ted Cruz went on to scare the American public the way that Netanyahu scares the Jews of Israel. He ended his article with these words: The Iranians seek weapons that could incinerate (as in Holocaust) American (read Israeli) cities with a single flash of light. It is time to tear up that deal (quintessential Netanyahu talk).

Contrary to that, it must be said that the time has come for the American public to tell the Ted Cruzs of their Republic that if they want to serve the interests of Israel, they should go to Israel and engage in the pornographic practice of kissing Jewish asses out there, not in America. And when they do that, they should just stay there.