Friday, September 27, 2019

The sustained Haggle that's killing Democracy

A consequence of the Jewish hate and destroy machine thrusting itself into my life, trying to win me over to their side or––failing that––silencing me forever, has been that I was given both the opportunity and the motivation to study the Jews, which I did more than they could figure me out. And the most disturbing thing I take from this experience, is the detailed knowledge I gained as to how the Jews have managed to kill the American Democracy.

The immediate lesson I learned from watching the Jews in operation during an ordeal that lasted more than half a century, is that overuse of a privilege is a form of abuse of power. Unfortunately, this is happening because it relates to the traits we inherited from our evolutionary legacy. In fact, even before we became human, we knew instinctively that there was safety in numbers. It is why the birds and the beasts congregate as a flock or a herd lest they be pursued individually and done with by a predator.

It is on the basis of this sort of ideas that the Jews organize themselves when they tackle the issues of concern to them. They devised a system that proved extremely effective. It goes like this: isolate the individual, and attack him or her when they are defenseless. For the trick to succeed, the Jews rely on their scouts to go out and look for a target that's worth going after. When they spot one, they call on the Jewish mob of journalists, pundits and heads of other organizations to join the attacking team. Where possible, they also try to convince the non-Jewish journalists, pundits and other organizations to jump on their bandwagon and gang up on the victim.

That modus vivendi must have been conspicuous to anyone that watched the Jews tackle issues pertaining to Israel, for example. This is when they usually use the print and electronic media to address the public, thus impress the legislators and other officials from government and public institutions, putting them under intense pressure to take measures that will advance the Jewish agenda.

What is not conspicuous to the public is what the Jewish hate-and-destroy machine does behind the back of their victims, and away from the cameras and the eyewitnesses. To get an idea what this is, you must know that for every Jew that promotes the Jewish agenda in public, there are 10 or 20 other Jews operating in the shadows, pressuring officials in high places to help them destroy the life and career of the individual they feel has the potential to grow and challenge their supremacy.

And so, the thing to do to get an accurate perspective on what he Jews are plotting at any given moment, is to read what they write, or listen to what they say on the electronic media, and visualize 10 or 20 other Jews and lackeys –– some calling themselves lobbyists –– walk into the offices of highly placed officials. The latter being of a kind that can easily be corrupted, individuals whom the Jews go to and badmouth their victims.

And of course, these characters never give their victims the chance to know what is said about them, let alone give them the opportunity to defend themselves. And the bone chilling part is that when an official has taken this road once, it is like the young girl that is forced into prostitution once. She never leaves the profession, and neither do the officials who never leave their corrupt ways behind.

With this in mind, read the more than 2,000-word of haggling that came under the title: “Iran Is Testing the Trump Administration,” and the subtitle: “Tehran Thinks There Are No Rules, No Limits, and Anything Goes,” written by Dennis Ross and published on September 24, 2019 in Foreign Affairs.

Although the thrust of the article seems on the surface to have been designed to badmouth Iran, another undercurrent runs parallel to that thrust. It is the badmouthing of the current American administration which claims to apply maximum pressure on Iran. But according to Dennis Ross, the pressure has been restricted to economic matters only without considering a military option.

Those who are new to the business of watching the Jewish propaganda and badmouth machine pull the strings that make America's moral prostitutes play the roles assigned to them –– will have the opportunity to witness for the first time, how the story of a Jewish campaign starts and develops. They will see it happen, as more Jews enter the fray and start attacking the White House for what it is not doing to trigger a war and go bomb Iran into the Stone Age.

The consequence of all this will be that the administration will continue on a path which seeks a peaceful resolution to the dispute with Iran, forcing the Jewish machine to intensify its attacks on the White House.  Or the White House will publicly declare that the Jewish machine has embarked on a path that's harmful to its goals because it stiffens the administration's resolve to proceed with the peaceful option.

In the offing is a live drama that will highlight the concept of haggling as a right that must not be overused lest it become an abuse of power, therefore unacceptable.

Exciting days are ahead because the ending of this drama is unpredictable.