Monday, September 30, 2019

Treat America like a Toddler and take his Toys

If you think that toy stories are told only by writers of children's books, think again. You'll find that toy stories are also told in real life by adults who treat other adults like toddlers.

Imagine yourself a teenager that grew up having very few toys to play with, now seeing the neighbor's toddler surrounded with enough toys to fill a basement, and still have more toys to keep in the garage. You inspect the collection and see remote controlled cars and flying saucers, puzzles and board games, electric trains and robots, as well as enough Lego sets to build a city ... and much more.

You allow your imagination to run wild, thinking of the empire that you could build using a fraction of these toys. So, you decide you must get your hands on some of them. You think up a story you can tell the toddler; one that will convince him to let you take what you need and not tell his parents. What do you tell the child?

You tell the child that the world is full of bad people who steal toys from children. This is why he should let you take some of them to hide in your house. The toddler accepts your story and lets you take as much as you want. But you, dear reader, are now asking: Who are the adults that play this sort of child game?

The answer to that question can be found in an article that came under the title: “Prevent Iran from creating more Hezbollahs across the Middle East,” and the subtitle: “Escalating tensions with Iran should be a warning that Tehran's strategy of training and arming proxy terror groups throughout the Middle East is not being countered aggressively enough.” The article was written by the retired Israeli Major General Yaakov Amidror, and published on September 27, 2019 on the website of Jewish News Service.

In this analogy, Yaakov Amidror represents the effort that the Judeo-Israeli ‘sucker-America-machine’ has been doing for half a century to acquire all that it could from America to work on realizing the ancient Jewish dream of building an empire that will serve as a prelude to the arrival of the messiah who is thought will hand the Jews the ownership deed to the planet and all its content.

Looking back at what was accomplished after half a century of diligent labor, it appears that the machine has managed to sucker America alright, but otherwise failed to accomplish any of what it set out to do. On the contrary, the machine's effort has only served to make matters worse for Israel and the other Jewish causes.

The reason is that, conditioned by their culture to start something and not think of the consequences of their action, the Jews poked the ribs of their neighbors as if the neighbors were inert punching bags that will not move to protect themselves. But the neighbors did move, and they built a war machine of their own that now deters Israel despite all the war toys that America has been lavishing on the pompous little thing.

Here is how the retired Israeli Major General has described that situation: “Hezbollah has grown in manpower and firepower to the extent that Israel is careful not to attack it inside of Lebanon. Today, there is mutual deterrence, which is a strategic accomplishment for Hezbollah.” All of which means that whatever war-making toys Israel has acquired from the American toddler, they proved to be useless. This being the reality of the situation, what can the Judeo-Israeli machine do now –– if not to build the empire of the ancient Jewish dream, now conceded as a lost cause –– at least to prevent Israel from being crushed decisively?

To answer that question, here is what Yaakov Amidror came up with: “Iran's military buildup in Lebanon is far advanced. World powers should take heed. What Iran has accomplished in Lebanon with Hezbollah offers a vision of the future. The same thing will happen in other parts of the region if the international community fails to stop Iran's development of proxy militaries across the Middle East”.

Will that work? Well, it all depends on how the international community will respond to that appeal. If pressured by America to do what Israel has been doing, the Israeli failures will only be compounded, and the world will be facing an even bigger mess. Here is why this will happen in the words of Amidror: “The Israeli Air Force has carried out hundreds of airstrikes on Iranian-backed targets in recent years. [Despite all this] Hezbollah now holds a diverse arsenal of weaponry of a quantity and quality befitting a modern army.” The obvious conclusion is that more air strikes will do nothing to deter Iran or those it is backing.

Well then, if that will not work, what else is there that can be done? The answer to this question is obvious. It is this: Treat Iran with the respect that it deserves, and treat the Judeo-Israeli sucker-America-machine with the contempt that it has earned. Do that, America, and watch the level of enmity in the Middle East come down as fast as you can silence an incessantly barking dog. That should muzzle the pompous little thing.