Friday, October 25, 2019

It could not happen even in the Twilight Zone

Strange fictional stories were told in the Twilight Zone of the 1960s. Stranger actual stories are trying to make their way into the Twilight Zone of the twenty-first century.

Unhappy with the way that the universe is unfolding, the two Jewish characters, Michael Ledeen and David Wurmser, are telling the United States of America it is not doing enough to make “down” look like “up,” and make “up” look like “down.” They did so in an article they wrote under the title: “The US is losing the war against tyranny,” and had the piece published in the Washington Examiner on October 21, 2019.

At a time when the Jewish tyrannical rule of America is beginning to wane, Ledeen and Wurmser came up with the novel idea of reasserting their control over America by trying to deceive its opinion makers; nudging them into the belief that the world is run by tyranny, that America must return to the business of heeding Jewish commands, and must rush to go tilt the windmills of world liberation, thus free the planet from a tyranny that, in reality, exists nowhere except in Jewish ruled America.

Eager to get as quickly as possible into the core of their demands, the two Jewish writers made it clear at the outset that their ultimate aim was and still is, regime change in the countries that absolutely refuse to let themselves be penetrated by the politico-diplomatic rapists who were trained by the worldwide Jewish conspiracy to do to all countries what they did to America. And so, here is how Ledeen and Wurmser have formulated their thoughts on the subject––in the first sentence of their article's first paragraph:

“We are at war, under siege from a global alliance that runs from Pyongyang to Havana and Caracas. We are losing, having failed to bring down, Kim Jong Un, Nicolas Maduro and Ali Khamenei. We have failed to support the crowds in Hong Kong, even though Beijing has canceled the law enabling the transfer of Hong Kong dissidents to the mainland”.

Flying in the face of the logical concept that those who are winning are “up” and those who are losing are “down,” Ledeen and Wurmser, who began the discussion by admitting that “we are losing,” meaning we are “down,” went on to assert that those who are winning are not “up” but are “failing and continuously failing cultures.” Well then, if that's what they are, and yet come out winners when pitted against America's culture, it must be that America is in the pits. Yes indeed, America is in the pits culturally, but not because it never had a winning culture; because its original culture was contaminated –– as everyone knows –– by the inferior Judeo-Yiddish culture.

And what that inferior culture has brought to America, is the beastly view that the world is made of “our side,” which is the good side, and “their side,” which is the evil side. As well, the two writers are asserting that the war between the two sides is on. They also suggest that to win the war, we must shed our sensibility that America is too precious and too good to sacrifice lives and coin to save others.

Mind you, it is not that the world is only split into “us, the good” and “them, the bad”; additionally, the part that is “us” is itself split into the excellent Right-wing, and the less than excellent Left-wing. The difference between the two being that the crowd on the Right knows that our national interest lies in being aggressively engaged on the international scene, whereas the Left rejects this sort of ideas.

However, despite the split between the two camps, they seem to converge on the idea that the time has come for America to isolate itself from the rest of the world. This has led the superpower to adopt the bland policy of talking to other nations when they are willing to talk, or imposing economic sanctions on them when they are not –– say the two authors.

Will that approach produce good results? The two writers are skeptical. But having built a case that went on tangents in several directions, you look forward to a strong closing argument that will bring together the various points they raised. Well, they tried to do just that, but alas, they failed in their attempt. And here is a sample of the mediocrity they managed to cobble together:

“Our enemies will pursue us. The Sept.11 attacks taught us that the immense power of our nation proved an illusion. Our enemies came into our cities. The events since have shown that seeking to incentivize rather than defeat left us two decades later still facing them. The action required must threaten the leaders, just as it did the Soviets when Reagan was president. The situation in many regimes is similar. The campaign against Iran, Venezuela, and China can succeed if our enemies cannot embrace our experiment with freedom. Therefore, we need to support a revolutionary campaign in the name of freedom. Our campaign against Gorbachev succeeded because the Russians had enough of his muddled policies. The same strategy will work against our current enemies”.

To speak in one and the same breath of (1) a bunch of suicidal kids engaged in terror activities, and lump them with (2) the former Soviet Union (now Russia) which remains a military superpower, as well as (3) China that is a fast rising superpower, and (4) lesser powers such as North Korea, Iran and Venezuela, is nothing more than useless meandering, which the writers hope will encourage America to resubmit to Jewish control.

No. This cannot happen, not even in the Twilight Zone of the twenty-first century.