Sunday, October 13, 2019

They call for a Civil War by another Name

When a problem presents you with ten possible alternatives for a solution, nine of them being reasonable on the face of it, and one alternative being plainly wrong as demonstrated by thousands of years of failures, you do not choose the wrong alternative if what you want is the resolution of the problem.

What you do as head of an institution in such a case, is test the nine alternatives –– one at a time –– and see what result each will yield. When done with all of them, you pick the one that gave the best result, and include it in the standing policy of your institution.

But if you're an observer and not the head of an institution; if you choose to be a student of the human condition; and if you see the once powerful institution stoop so low as to choose, or even advocate a solution that was proven to be wrong time after time for thousands of years, you wonder what's going on inside the head of the executives who run that institution. And so, you respond by getting to work on deciphering what may have motivated these people.

In real life, the institution in question is The Washington Post. The choice that the editors of the publication made, relates to the subject of Jewish behavior, and humanity's response to it. The editors expressed their thoughts in black and white, and published them in the form of an editorial under the title: “The Germany Yom Kippur attack shows it is past time to focus on the enemy within,” and they printed their piece on October 10, 2019 in The Washington Post, of course.

Here is the event––presented in condensed form––that the editors of The Washington Post are using as vehicle to carry their thoughts:

“The attack came in Halle, Germany, against a synagogue. A 27-year-old German man shot two innocent people to death. What's important is the intent, and the aim that the deaths were supposed to serve. The evidence speaks of a connection, at least ideological, between the radical in Halle and others who carried out mass murder at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. According to the perpetrator, the white race is in peril, and the root of all the problems is the Jew: 'If I fail and die but kill a single Jew, it was worth it. After all, if every White Man kills one Jew, we win,' he said. Germany's politicians responded with denunciations of the crime in Halle and the mindset behind it. What remains for them and us to do, is match words with deeds”.

This boils down to the editors of The Washington Post making the claim that White terrorists have declared war on society, and that the way to counter them is to reciprocate. That is, they want to fight fire with fire. That seems to be their inclination because they contend that it's not enough to just denounce the deeds of the terrorists; they want to see those deeds countered by society's own deeds. But everyone sane knows that if this happens, we'll get embroiled in a civil war whose consequences can only be far reaching. So, the question that begs for an answer is this: Can we, as a civilized society, countenance such an outcome?

The answer is no, we cannot do that, especially that we can't even determine to what extreme the civil war will grow, or to what horizon it will spread. For these reasons and a few more, we must reject this alternative and consider the other more reasonable ones. We pick one of them, and make every effort we can muster, to reach a resolution that will be durable and satisfy all the sides in the dispute.

From the information that's available –– and there is plenty of it already –– the core of the problem is that the Jews want to be given special status in society. It'll be a status that will give them privileges no one else has, or will ever have. The Jewish leaders claim that this is necessary because the Jews have been singled out for hatred since the beginning of time.

But the critics of the idea contend that whenever the Jews got into a community for the first time, they were treated like everyone else. It's only when they started to act like they had special privileges that society pushed back. Instead of taking the rebuff as a hint and back off, the Jews doubled down on their bad behavior. Society pushed back harder, and things escalated from this point forward. Time after time, this kind of tussle led to a tragedy such as a pogrom or a holocaust. And this has been the cycle that repeated itself countless times since the Jews developed the culture by which they continue to be guided.

This is why a consensus has developed among non-Jews worldwide, to the effect that the Jews must adapt to the norms guiding humanity because humanity will not adapt to their norms. The Jews must choose this alternative and live harmoniously with the rest of humanity, or be prepared to go on suffering to the end of time because their complaints are beginning to fall on deaf ears. No one cares much anymore because everyone has come to realize that no one, except the Jews themselves, can do anything about it, if not make things worse.