Thursday, October 3, 2019

They hate those they falsely accuse of Hatred

It is well established by now that the immutable Jewish cultural and religious obligation is to accuse others of the sins that the Jews see in themselves, and attribute to themselves the virtues they see in others.

Thus, whenever a Jew explicitly tells his or her audience to dissociate themselves from someone, or they say it by the more subtle method of attacking that someone for one reason or another … or no reason at all, the Jews would be expressing the ultimate form of hatred for the one they disparage. Yet, the reason that the Jews give for asking their audience to distance themselves from someone, is that they accuse him or her of hating the Jews … calling the innocent anti-Semitic. And this is how the Jews incessantly accuse others of the sins they see in themselves while attributing to themselves the virtues they see in others.

There is manifestation of this phenomenon in the column that came under the title: “Columbia celebrates anti-Semitism,” and the subtitle: “The school's Global Leaders Forum welcomes Mahatir Mohamad,” written by Clifford D. May and published on October 1, 2019 in The Washington Times.

The content of the column can be summarized as follows: Clifford May is asking his readers to (1) hate Mahatir Mohamad because he says that Mr. Mohamad was deemed to express anti-Semitic views, and (2) hate Columbia University for giving Mr. Mohamad the opportunity to express his hatred of Jews in front of an international audience. The trouble is that while Clifford May's column is a clear expression of his own hatred for both Columbia University and Mohamad, he failed to give a single example as to why the Jews consider Mr. Mohamad to hate them, thus deserving of the anti-Semitic label.

So, the pressing question is this: What does it take for someone to prove that he or she is not anti-Semitic? To seek an answer to this question, look anywhere you want, and you'll find only one clear indication as to what it will take to establish that proof. The indication came from a French Jew who styles himself as a philosopher. He goes by the name of Levy, and spends his time promoting two ideas at the same time.

First, Levy wrote a book in which he explained to the human race why people everywhere should have undivided, total and sincere love for the Jews regardless of what they do. Second, Levy continually incites the “Western” powers to blindly hate the Arabs and the Muslims. He incessantly urges the West to do to these people what America did to Qaddafi's Libya. This was a disastrous military attack that Levy himself had been advocating for years. When done by the Americans and their allies, it turned out to be an adventure whose aftermath continues to be an unmitigated calamity in North Africa, now moving into the sub-Sahara.

Because it is nearly impossible for the English-speaking Jews to express themselves in the language of love the way that other Jews do in the other languages, you'll find that the Anglo-Jews stick with the language of hate whose fluency they have mastered. In fact, to urge an audience to love the Jews, the Anglos do so by expressing hatred for those they accuse (falsely or accurately) of wanting to harm the Jews. The following is an example of how Clifford May has done just that:

“Given a choice, I'll take anti-Semites over anti-Zionists. Garden-variety anti-Semites disparage Jews. They don't want them working in their businesses, living in their neighborhoods or joining their clubs. That's nasty but survivable, and alternative businesses, neighborhoods and clubs can generally be found. Anti-Zionists, by contrast, want to deprive Israel of the right to exist. Were anti-Zionists to achieve their goal, what would happen to the 6 million Jews who live there?”

What Clifford May has done here, is construct a hierarchy of hate to make political opposition to Zionism the highest form of Jew-hatred. Because this level of hate has the potential to do to the 6 million Jews living in Israel what was done to the 6 million that perished during the Holocaust, May expects that humanity will automatically feel sympathy for the Jews the way that it did upon learning what the Nazis had done to them.

Clifford May has thus calculated that hatred of what might happen, will cause humanity to fall in love with the Jews, and will move to protect them. This is a typically Anglo-Jewish method for generating artificial love by playing up the hate narrative: the only language that the Anglo-Jews speak fluently.

In fact, the Jews invented this method to be in a position to accuse the people who do not profess love for the Jews or Israel … accuse them of being anti-Semitic even if they do not express anti-Semitism. Go over the May article, and you'll find that despite being labeled anti-Semitic, Mr. Mohamad displayed no sign of being anything like that. But while accusing him of anti-Semitism, Clifford May has summarized as follows, what Mohamad really thinks:

“Mr. Mohamad is not a Holocaust denier. At Columbia he confirmed that there was a Holocaust. The event moderator never asked a tough question or challenged the speaker's assertions and expressions. 'We have a lot of wisdom that we can draw on from you,' the moderator flattered the politician. At the conclusion of the program, he exclaimed: That was amazing!”

Yes indeed, it is amazing. That's because you can always count on Clifford May to bring the truth out as he tries to hide the truth. It's like the old saying which goes like this: Tell me a lie, and from what the lie is trying to hide, I'll figure what the truth is.

Keep on truckin’, Cliff my friend, keep on truckin’!