Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A new toxic moral Clarity by a different Name

Part of the human folklore that's revered in our era is that modernity brings with it a hectic life. This has many ramifications, one of them being that our span of attention becomes short. For this reason, we like to be told things in brief, and the busier we are, the briefer we want the briefs to be.

Because the Americans subscribe to the idea that time is money, not only do they see their attention span shrink, they see their capacity to acquire knowledge and retain it, diminish. The net effect of all this, is that the Americans develop a reduced capacity to think in terms of concepts which are more complex than a simple idea. In effect, they become the people of the one-liner whose conversational abilities do not exceed what can be written on a bumper sticker.

This is a cultural condition that forces those in the business of advocating principles more complex than a one-liner, to develop new methods by which to communicate with others. The method that's widely used today is to point to similarities between a known fact and what you're trying to establish. But the reality is that most of the time, such similarities are at best tenuous; even non-existent.

That's what makes the current condition ideal for charlatans. It gives them the opportunity to advocate for anything they want by drawing a false comparison with something that already exists and that's known for what it is. The most notorious of these moments came when the Jews convinced the unthinking President George W. Bush (43) that, in the name of moral clarity, he should consider the Palestinian freedom fighters who are under Israeli occupation, to be similar to the 9/11 attackers who did America in.

Once the American president accepted the comparison, it was easy for the Jews to lead him by the nose to the idea of regime change in the countries that the Jews wanted to see destroyed. Having the plans already drawn for the destruction of Iraq, the Jews had Bush give the order to invade that country. The invasion happened as planned, and the consequences have been so horrific, they continue to produce human misery to this day like a chain reaction that refuses to end.

The readers familiar with the attitude of the Jews at the time of America's invasion of Iraq, will recall that in their jubilation, the Jews let out their secret plan for the future. They put it in terms that went something like this: “Now that we got Iraq, what remains to be determined is if we should first go West [into Syria] or East [into Iran.]” Well, America did eventually go into Syria; it is there now trying to steal Syria's oil according to the White House. So, guess what else the Jews are working on now. You guessed it; they are plotting to send America into Iran, knowing full well what horror will be unleashed on the world by such action.

And it's all there in black and white. You can see the Jews unfurl a scheme designed for Iran; a scheme that's similar to the one they unfurled for Iraq and George W. Bush. The scheme, this time, is laid out in an article that came under the title: “Trump rejects the fake separation between Iran and its militias,” and the subtitle: “No longer playing Iran's game,” written by Tony Badran, and published on January 18, 2020 in The Washington Times.

In the same way that seventeen years ago the Jews conflated occupied Palestine, Iraq and Al-Qaeda, thus convinced W. Bush to commit the war crime of the century, they are now conflating Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis and every combatant that may take on America's invaders who are operating in the region without invitation from any of the locals.

Please note and never forget that what the Jews have decided for America's young men and women is war, war, war. What they decided for America's treasury, is spend, spend, spend. And what they decided for America's current president is what they decided for George W. Bush at the start of the twenty first century: Put in harm's way the lives of thousands of Americans if it happens that a single American is attacked by someone unknown; one that may or may not be traced back to Iran.

The following represents the talking points that Tony Badran wants the warmongers of America to use when they talk to the politico-journalistic crowd that will decide on making war or peace happen:

“Previous US attitudes ranged from a decision not to hold Iran accountable for actions taken by its surrogates, which provided Iran with immunity. An example of such attitude can be seen in a recent essay by Obama's Middle East point man, Robert Malley, in which he [put his point] in the form of a question he left unanswered: 'Iran almost certainly helps the Houthis and Iraqi Shiite militias, but does it control them?' Mr. Malley wanted us to believe the answer is no. Unlike [Obama, we] reject this separation between Iran and the militias”.

This is the Jewish style moral clarity that will cost America more than 6 trillion dollars this time, tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of thousands of broken minds and bodies that will end up committing suicide.

Now my friend, ask yourself: All this for what? To please the Jewish Pocahontas in the White House? Is she worth all that squandered money and all these dead bodies?