Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Boomerang hit them, now they are scared

Look at this headline: “An Executive Order against antisemitism Is Being Used to Justify Censorship,” and try to imagine me or someone like me writing an article under such a title. Would you, for a moment, believe that a Jewish hypnotized, formerly respected publication such as National Review would print it? Not on your life.

This is why I did not write an article under such a title, and did not submit it to National Review on Line or any publication of its ilk. But guess who wrote an article under that title. Samantha Harris did. Despite her Waspish sounding name, she is as Jewish as bagel, and says she is an attorney at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

But what did happen that prompted Samantha Harris to write an article under such a title, submit it to the editors of National Review Online, and see it printed on January 23, 2020? The short answer is that the Jews got mugged one more time by the boomerang, which people like yours truly, told the Jews will return and whack them when they least expect it. Their response all along had been to scoff at us; apparently no more.

Now that the Jews got whacked yet again like we said they will, they seem to be doing what they should have done long ago. It is to examine what they have been doing that was wrong, and resolve never to do it again. So, the question is this: Will this exercise do them any good in the long run, or is it too late for them?

What we've been telling the Jews is that the medicine they were taking to cure the illness they call antisemitism was not the medicine they thought it was. On the contrary, it was the poison that has aggravated the antisemitism they were dreading. But how did it all start? It started when the number of Jews in America had reached a critical mass, and they did then on the national scale what we see them do now each time that they enter a new community to settle in it.

That is, the self-appointed leaders of the Jews urged the rank-and-file to report to them every discomfort they experienced, however small it may have been, as they interacted with non-Jews. The leaders then used the information to draw up a list of what they said irritated them as a group. They went to see everyone in authority they could buttonhole, and poured buckets of tears at their feet, begging them to intervene. The Jewish leaders asked those in authority to make sure that never again will they allow someone to hurt the Jews who could not forget the Holocaust even if they weren't born until half a century later, and were raised thousands of miles from where the Holocaust had taken place. Try to figure this out.

What happened after a while, was that most of those in authority detected two trends. First, they got used to the idea of Jews whining incessantly about everything and so, tended to ignore the little complaints that the Jews seized them with. Second, these same authorities discovered that when the Jews complained about something, it's because they wanted action on rights that conflicted with the rights of someone else.

Thus, what the Jews asked the authorities to do, was side with them after hearing their complaint in private without giving equal attention to the other side. Worse is what happened during the time that the Jews were alone behind closed doors with the handful of morally bankrupt politicians that wielded the power. The Jews smeared the reputation of their rivals, thus impressed the politicians who promised to give them what they asked for, and then started doing just that.

This being the Jewish medicine they have been using to try and cure what they saw as the ills of antisemitism, the ailment persisted as it has for thousands of years because the medicine was actually the poison that made the public rebel against both the Jews and the politicians who acted like servants of the Jews rather than civil servants of the society that elected them. This is how the boomerang was created each time; it is what we advised them was happening; it is the advice they ignored for a long time.

All of this transpired despite the fact that time after time, the Jews saw the boomerang return and mug them. But they failed to realize that a cause and effect relation existed between their playing havoc with the rights of people, and the anger that the people expressed as a warning to them and the politicians who sold their souls to them. Both the Jews and the politicians failed to understand that their relation could not continue to flourish at the expense of the public, which is why America’s national agony persisted as long as it did.

But Samantha Harris seems to have gotten the message at long last. It remains to be seen if the message will catch on, and if there is going to be the sea change that will be necessary for this matter to be resolved once and for all.