Monday, January 27, 2020

America and Israel to the World: We conned you

Imagine someone in their sixties or younger, having spent a lifetime hearing a relentless refrain reminding them that: We are the democracies. We are transparent and honest. We tell the truth and never deceive. We respect our people and never exploit their trust in us … blah … blah … blah.

And then one day, out of the blue and without prior warning, that someone in their sixties, heard a strange noise blared at the level of a hundred decibels or more. It was a human scream that informed them: We conned you, we conned you. Ain't we smarter than you who are unthinking SOBs that trusted us, respected us, venerated us and believed in us.

Do you think this is a metaphor of some king? Maybe. But metaphors are based on a foundation of truth, and some metaphors are more ‘truth’ than they are ‘meta.’ You'll soon discover that the one cited above is as close to the truth as a metaphor can ever get. All you need to do is read the article that came under the title: “What's really behind Trump's meeting with Bibi and Gantz,” written by Benny Avni and published on January 25, 2020 in the New York Post.

Avni did not waste time before he started screaming at his readers that he and his like, have conned them royally, and did it to every audience in America as well. Here it is, in his words, encapsulated in the first sentence of his article: “Trump's reignited Mideast diplomacy will fall short of Israeli-Palestinian peace, but it may help end a political logjam that has paralyzed Israel”.

In other words, Benny Avni is now telling America's audiences that the Donald Trump White House and the mob of Jewish pundits have not been practicing democracy. Instead, they pretended to work for peace in the Middle East while intending to be dishonest and far from transparent. They simply have not been telling the truth; have not avoided deception; have not been respectful of their people and have not avoided exploiting the audiences' trust in them.

Benny Avni went on to explain that on the contrary, America and Israel have been conning their audiences every day of the week. It is a habitual exercise they employ to feel smarter than those who listen to them. They feel smarter than they who trust them, respect them, venerate them and believe in such con artists as Benny Avni and Donald Trump.

Well then, if the so-called democracy is not the basket of honorable concepts that its proponents have been singing about for the whole world to hear, what's it really about? That's a good question, my friend, and it happens that you'll find the answer in the condensed passages that make up the Benny Avni article. Here is how he put it all together:

“This is an unusual step, said Danny Ayalon, a former Israeli ambassador to the US. The peace plan is less important now, he said, adding that the trip is bound to help Bibi politically. Gantz's allies warned the trip is a political trap, laid out by Netanyahu. His partners believe it was cooked up by Netanyahu in consultation with Washington allies, timed for a Knesset hearing on Bibi's immunity from criminal prosecution. Israel is preoccupied with internal politics, anticipating a March 2 election, the third in less than a year. As in the previous two rounds, neither Gantz nor Netanyahu are likely to get enough support to string together a ruling coalition. The roll out of Trump's peace plan adds a geopolitical dimension to these internal Israeli disputes, Ayalon said. The first test is whether Israel can straighten out its politics”.

So, there it is, done once more the way they have been doing it for half a century. The Jews of Israel and America, have launched yet another trip, called it a peace trip, but is in reality nothing more than a political trap. It is just one aspect of the game they play in the name of democracy, expecting their people to consume the thing like the wino that cannot get away from his bottle. He doesn't know that taking a glass of water once in a while, can do him a great deal of good ... and they don't know that questioning what they hear once in a while, can help them stay better informed.

Is it any wonder that, having seen the bankruptcy of the democratic system of governance, the rest of the world is experimenting with other forms governance? They do so in their quest to lay the foundation for a new system that will forever vanquish the bitter experiences of conquest, colonialism, deception and exploitation on which the so-called system of democracy was erected.

Whether or not the conspirators manage to get their man elected in Israel, is of little importance for, they have succeeded in showing to the world that democracy is a con game that has run its course and is ready to be retired.