Thursday, January 2, 2020

Quick to implement a self-Preservation Lesson

Clifford D. May wrote an article to say that Nikki Haley is an “astonishingly quick learner,” that she did well during the two years or so that she served in the Trump administration, that she may run to be president of the United States of America, and that he would welcome such a move.

Before we look at the Clifford May argument, we need to recall the way that Jews of his mold reach the decision by which they live till they feel the need to change it, and adopt another decision.

When these people look at a situation, they don't describe it as it is; they describe it as they wish it were. This is a lie, of course, but they keep repeating it till they believe their own lie. By now they would have created a mythology in their heads that is completely at odds with reality. Because nothing they do agrees with the real world, everything they touch goes wrong. Given the choice between saying that they are wrong or the world is wrong, they choose to say that the whole world is wrong and they are right.

Because Clifford May appreciated Nikki Haley's stance on Israel during her short stint as US ambassador at the UN, he adopted the above mentality when describing her character. It is also how he looked at the book she wrote about her equally short service in the Trump administration, and the critique of her book done by those who bothered to read it.

Whereas he saw her as a quick learner, he did not tell what exactly caused him to reach that conclusion. But that doesn't matter anyway, because it is what he wanted to see, therefore what he saw. And so, the question to ask is this: What should we be aware of that has escaped Clifford May?

Nikki Haley grew up at a time in America when anti-Paki sentiment was rampant, and was expressed openly everywhere. Of those who were targeted for the way they looked, different groups, even different individuals within the same group, developed a set of approaches they used to survive the ordeal and achieve whatever success they managed to attain in life.

The chances are good that by instinctive osmosis rather than intellectual prowess, Nikki Haley learned to protect herself. She did it by exuding a reassuring sort of kindness that disarmed those who would hurt her. That is, instead of confronting those who threw darts at her, she flattered them, thus proved that she was harmless. This stance transmitted to the potential foes, the message that they had nothing to fear from her who is the daughter of an “alien” family.

Many new immigrants and first-generation offspring have adopted a similar sort of approach to survive. In time, the approach became so prevalent in America that the culture became imbued with it. As a result, even the nativists whose roots in America went back several generations, fused the approach with their way of thinking, and used it to guide them in their daily lives.

It was inevitable, therefore, that a good part of America's politics should stand on that approach. Today, it can be seen that flattery works well on America's politicians, less so in Canada, and almost not at all in the rest of the world. This is the first thing that hit Nikki Haley in the face when she met the world at the UN. What seemed natural to her, thinking of herself as the daughter of immigrants, seemed alien to a world that saw her as too prone to American style flattery. They treated her with contempt, and she returned the favor.

Life was made more difficult for Nikki Haley when the Jews started doing what they always do, which is to intrude in all matters of foreign policy. Meanwhile, utterly disillusioned about her inability as the daughter of immigrants to communicate with the rest of the world, she had no way to deal with the world but to accept the Jewish invitation, run to their fountain and drink from it every time she was slated to open her mouth.

Needless to say that this approach rendered her life even more hellish. After a short while, she discovered that she had no alternative but to quit her job and quit the Trump administration altogether before she became so toxic, she would have been badly wounded politically. This would have pushed her out of the administration anyway, labeled her as damaged goods, and rendered her ineffective to serve anywhere else.

Where to go from here for Nikki Haley? There is no doubt she is a survivor, having honed to perfection the skill to maneuver around the pitfalls that have the potential to sink her. The Jews will again swarm her and try to turn her into a mouthpiece advocating for all their causes. If she accepts, which is probably what will happen, they'll keep her in that position for as long as she'll stay credible –– but then spit her out when she'll fail to deliver. She'll most likely diminish to zero and search in vain for something useful to do.

Well, I have an idea. Instead of going in that direction, why not start immediately to write a weekly column. Being a proven friend of the Jews and Israel, she could show them a way out of the eternal damnation in which they have lived for thousands of years.

Get them to change their ways, Nikki Haley, and you'll have saved the lives of many, as well as saved the world another round of cleaning up in the aftermath of being forced to address the Jewish problem yet again.