Saturday, January 11, 2020

Klein treats US Constitution like Toilet Paper

Time after time Philip Klein has demonstrated he has a knack to tackle subjects too big for him to grasp; and time after time, he demonstrated how a Jew that dares to go into a debate against someone superior, gets crushed like a featherweight that goes against a heavyweight.

This time Philip Klein went after Ilhan Omar who was making a point based on principles that go to the heart of the American Constitution. Unfortunately, her presentation fell on the head of Philip Klein like a book of Shakespeare's work falls on the head of a monkey. See for yourself by reading Klein's piece that came under the title: “Ilhan Omar lies about BDS to explain why she supports sanctions on Israel but not Iran,” published on January 9, 2020 in the Washington Examiner.

Like the title of his article makes clear, Klein does not understand why Ilhan Omar is doing what he thinks she is doing. That is, he thinks she is treating Iran and Israel differently because one is Muslim, the other is Jewish. To expand on his point, he quoted Omar as saying: “The BDS movement is a movement that is driven by the people. The sanctions on Iran are sanctions that are being placed to create maximum pressure by a government. That's very different”.

To respond to Ilhan Omar's explanation, Philip Klein said the following: “While it's true that the 'B' aspect of the BDS movement involves private boycotts of Israel, the 'S' refers to the ultimate goal of the movement: getting governments to slap sanctions on Israel”.

To prove his point Klein went on to quote the website of the Palestinian BDS National Committee that says the following: “One reason that Israel is able to commit crimes against Palestinians is because governments fail to meet their legal obligations to hold it to account and provide Israel with political and material support”.

As can be seen, there is nothing in this part on the Palestinian argument that says a superpower like America or anyone else ought to apply maximum pressure on Israel by threatening the world businesses and their governments with serious consequences if they do not cut their ties with Israel –– which is what America has done with regard to Iran. That's one big difference between the two situations.

And then, Philip Klein went on to quote two more parts of the Palestinian argument that went as follows: First part: “Sanctions were the final blow to the apartheid regime in South Africa and the BDS movement calls for sanctions against Israel.” Second part: “The BDS movement calls for governments to meet their legal obligations not to be complicit in Israeli crimes and not to provide aid or assistance that help Israel maintain its regime of settler colonialism and apartheid”.

Let’s begin by looking at the second part of the statement. The Palestinians are telling the governments that supply Israel with training, weapons and what have you, they are being made accomplices in the crimes that Israel commits by maintaining a regime of settler colonialism and apartheid. This is illegal, say the Palestinians, and the guilty governments (who need not be identified because they know who they are) should change course to be on the right side of the law. In fact, this is something that's done all the time around the globe with respect to everyone that breaks the law. There is nothing in what the Palestinians have done which singles out Israel because it is Jewish or whatever.

We now look at the first part of that statement. It is the opinion of the Palestinians that sanctions were the final blow to the apartheid regime in South Africa. Well, this may or may not be true; I don't know. I let future historians make that determination. But if there is a contribution I can make to history; it is the following:

At the height of the tug-of-war between those who wanted to apply sanctions against South Africa, and those who did not, the Governor General of Canada at the time, made the mistake of her life. She said something to the effect that sooner or later the Blacks in South Africa will be put in their place. And that's what so galvanized the people of Canada, the Governor General was denied reappointment. To put it in undiplomatic terms, she was fired.

Even though our Canadian system of governance, is based on providing peace, social tranquility and “good government,” which means it relies on a top-down approach to governing, we followed the American system in this one case by adopting the bottom-up approach to governance; the one that lives by the motto: “government of the people, for the people, by the people”.

This is what escapes Philip Klein who does not realize that the State Governments in America that compel their people to buy Israeli products they don’t want, are violating the Constitution. And because the Jews that instigated this travesty are getting away with it in America, they think they can get away with it elsewhere. And so, they put pressure on Washington to blackmail the world into buying the Israeli products that the people would not buy on their own.

Thus, it can be seen that the BDS movement is not coercing anyone to do what they don't want. The BDS movement makes its point and lets the people decide. When enough people have decided, they exercise the bottom-up method of telling the government what to do. This is what happened in Canada with respect to South Africa, and what is happening the world over with respect to Israel despite the American blackmail.

And judging by the way that the debating tug-of-war is progressing in North America, the inferior Jewish arguments such as that of Philip Klein, are being crushed by superior intellects such as that of Ilhan Omar.