Saturday, January 4, 2020

They take their 'Combat' wherever they go

One of the beastliest and lowest kind of journalism ever to happen for all time, unfolded around the year 2000. I was running my own newspaper when I got a call from a prospective client that wanted to discuss a long-term plan for placing ads in my paper. I went to see him, and had to wait in the reception room because he was meeting with someone else.

I had resolved at that time to boycott a number of big city newspapers given that I could get the news faster on radio when driving my car, or get it on television when I was home. As to the editorials of these publications, I didn't care much about them. But if I found myself in such places as a doctor's office or a reception room waiting to see someone, I would read whatever publication was there.

And so, on that day, in the year 2000 or thereabout, I picked up a section of the Toronto Star that was on the table, and it happened to be the one carrying the editorials and the op-eds. I read one of the editorials, and it was like opening a Jewish sewer that stank from here to hell. What the editors were saying basically was that the Arabs better shut up because it was incorrect for them to bring to Canada the quarrels they had with the Jews in the Middle East. What was that again?

Could these primitive ignoramuses not see that for every Arab that was articulating his point of view, there were ten thousand Jews articulating theirs? Could those editors not see that the Arabs tried only to clean up their tarnished image without even mentioning the Jews? Could they not see that it was the Jews who were tarnishing the image of the Arabs by playing out their one-sided, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim quarrels? Could they not see that it was the Jews who engaged in combat against a people that did not fight back?

That was then, and here we are two decades later, and what do I see? I see an article that came under the title: “Anti-Semitism still infects the US,” and the subtitle: “We need to combat this cancer before it gets worse.” It was written by Donald Lambro and published on January 2, 2020 in the Washington Times.

What's obvious is that these people are still in combat mode, which should not surprise anyone, given that they have been in that mode, not only for the last two decades, but for the last 33 centuries. This is attested to by their history, which they say is compiled in the Old Testament, a book of blood, horror and mayhem. They explain that they had a warrior God, a general that led them into battle, and commanded them to kill and steal so as to end their nomadic life and build an empire that will rival the ones they saw all around them in the ancient world.

The Jews failed then to do just that, and have been failing ever since. They failed, not only in the Levant but in the East, the West and the North from Persia to Egypt to Babylon. They failed again later on when they pushed their luck in Europe as they tried to settle in almost every kingdom spanning the expanse from Russia to England. In fact, Europe was the continent where they failed miserably. It was the place where they burned the Jews alive and subjected them to pogroms and a holocaust on a scale that should have convinced them, they were on the wrong track, one that wasn't working for them and never will.

But they failed to learn the right lesson. In fact, as soon as they came to the new world, they thought they could start from scratch by working to take over the American nation, and turning it into the Jewish empire that has eluded them for thousands of years. But as David Lambro has learned, the new world will not be easier to lick than were the ancient or European worlds.

After describing the incidents that should tell every Jew in America, their old ways will not work in this country any better than they did everywhere else, Donald Lambro went on to quote a rabbi that said, “We need to combat this cancer before it gets worse.” Instead of reminding the rabbi, and reminding his Jewish brethren that it was time to abandon the method that has continually failed them, and learn to live normally like the rest of humanity, Lambro did the opposite.

What he did was describe yet another antisemitic incident, and used it to opine the following: “This is a story that should be leading the nightly news, with screaming headlines across the front pages of our nation's leading newspapers. But it isn't getting the attention and outrage that it deserves.” Alas, having learned that the new world will not be easier to lick than were the ancient and European worlds, Donald Lambro still failed to see that the Jews were on a track that wasn't working for them and never will.

Given that the Jews adhere to a culture that's too backward to allow them seeing that they are dreaming the wrong dream, the onus falls on the rest of humanity to do what's necessary to stop them hurting themselves and hurting us in the process. In fact, what's needed is not that we do something for them, but that we refrain from doing things for them.

Governments should stop encouraging the Jews, which they do now by remaining silent when the latter commit acts that hurt others. Governments should also stop catering to Jewish whims of the kind they come up with and argue that to give them what they want will foster understanding between the religions, or that it will advance the cause of peace.

What governments should do instead, is tell the Jews they are on their own. They must learn to get along with everyone else. And must learn to make it through life without a nanny government to which they can run every time they want something for themselves, or wish to see someone punished for no good reason.