Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Harsanyi paints America as ‘Top Gun’ global Thug

In trying to justify America's continued involvement with a world that no longer wants it in any of its neighborhoods, David Harsanyi has inadvertently made the best case yet for America to hide its tail behind its legs and run home, never again to interfere in the affairs of another nation.

What Harsanyi did, was argue that just because America failed to turn Iraq into a showcase for the work it is capable of doing, does not mean that it cannot make a showcase of someone else thus display what it can do, and go from there to turn every nation on Earth into a Judeo-American liberal democratic nirvana.

To make that point clear, David Harsanyi wrote, “Iran is not Iraq,” an article that was published on January 3, 2020 in National Review Online. Here is what you'll find at the heart of his argument: “The United States is a military hyperpower with the ability to atomize virtually any fighting force it pleases. It feels ridiculous writing that sentence. I had assumed most people understood this basic truth”.

Perhaps David Harsanyi was never told about the wisdom that's conveyed by the story of the “Magnificent Seven,” an American film that was adapted from a Japanese film about Samurais that assisted simple villagers to organize and beat back a gang of thugs. Like America, these thugs had the ability to atomize virtually any fighting force they pleased. But note that word “virtually” because the idea is there that when the victims of a thug do band together to protect themselves and each other, they marshal the strength to defeat him as shown in the Samurai story and that of the Magnificent Seven.

What escapes people like Harsanyi is that their concept of winning in battle is so screwed up, they can go on fighting for thousands of years, believing that they are winning when in fact they are losing. They fight without ever achieving their goal in the belief that someday they will score the ultimate victory that will make their past troubles worth it. This has been the story of the Jews since Moses took them out of ancient Egypt according to their history. It has also been the story of the Americans since Winston Churchill got them to poke their noses into the affairs of everyone else around the globe.

Look at all the failures that America has suffered since the Second World War and marvel at that country's stubbornness at doing the same thing and expecting a different result. It got into Korea and managed only to create a nuclear Juggernaut out of a tiny and impoverished society. It got its behind kicked in Vietnam, another impoverished society that was nondescript then suddenly became extraordinary. It got bogged down in Cuba's Bay of Pigs, a country that had it up to here with colonial masters exploiting its people.

America also managed to get itself hounded out of every Latin American country where it tried to establish a Kissinger-style pro-America puppet government. It got its nose rubbed in the mud when it attacked an Iraq that had no weapons of mass destruction. It made a mess of Libya where it went in not knowing what it was supposed to do. And it continues to have its rear end kicked in Afghanistan, having no idea how to extricate itself from that quagmire.

So, what do you think the world is doing to stand up to the global thug that America has become under Jewish tutelage? Well, like the Magnificent Seven, the world got together to kick America out of its neighborhoods where it still shows up and tries to dominate the region. Despite the fact that no formal anti-American treaty was signed between the countries of the globe, an increasing number of the world powers is lining up to isolate America and make sure it cannot beat up on anyone ever again, economically or militarily, without its effort being frustrated by the rest of the world.

In fact, all that America is able to do now, is bomb a country from the air without ever being able to invade it. That's what Harsanyi calls, “the ability to atomize virtually any fighting force it pleases.” But whereas this is his understanding of scoring a victory, the rest of humanity considers it a war crime of the kind that no one has ever committed. In fact, even the Nazis and the Fascists were careful to keep intact the cultural and scientific heritage of the countries they attacked. But since Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam and Iraq, America has demonstrated that it will carpet bomb, mass destroy a country's infrastructure, and mass exterminate a civilian population if that's what it will take to win a battle … even if it means losing the war in the process.

This is what is turning America into a global thug that deserves to be shunned and isolated by the rest of the human race. Whereas this reality is not lost on David Harsanyi, his problem is that when the choice comes down to being feared or being respected, he'll take being feared anytime. And this is why he appreciates what America is getting into, seeing it as an ideal outcome.

Look at it this way, there was a time when the Nazis and their sympathizers believed they were doing the right thing. But then, they were defeated, and that's when they changed their minds.

And so, the bet is that Harsanyi will someday realize that atomizing someone weaker than yourself is not a noble act, and he'll change his mind.