Sunday, July 12, 2020

A false Analogy by a mediocre Advocate

The absolute, most fundamental principle of justice is that when you evaluate the merits of a case, you endeavor to see the case, see only the case and see nothing but the case.

That is, you avoid the temptation of relating the conduct of the defendant to his associations, be they racial, religious, doctrinal, political or what have you.

In other words, singling out the case is a prerequisite to reaching a just verdict. Prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges who miss that principle, have no place in the administration of justice, and should be doing something other than decide the guilt or innocence of citizens.

Despite half a century of learning on the job, Alan Dershowitz has failed to grasp that principle. You can see it in the article he wrote under the title: “Is the 'Black Lives Matter' Platform Antisemitic?” published on July 9, 2020 in the online Jewish publication, Algemeiner.

In fact, Dershowitz spent his entire “professional” life trying to convince the world that regardless of its deeds, Israel should be allowed to get away with the rape of Palestine, the murder of its young and the harvesting of their organs because it is the ONLY Jewish state among the nations of the world, and has a good record on the environment, gay rights and gender equality.

This is like the unrepentant pedophile and murder-rapist who tells the jurors they must find him not guilty so that he may go out and continue to murder adults and rape children. These should be forgivable acts, says he, given that when he is not committing crimes, he spends time telling others about the environment, gay rights and gender equality. How much better can someone get?

This discussion came up because Alan Dershowitz repeated his “demand” that Black Lives Matter rescind the portion of its platform describing Israel as an apartheid state involved in genocide. To explain his thinking, he says that he must resort to the use of a hypothetical case so as to deepen the analysis of the problem. And so, Dershowitz came up with the following analogy:

“Imagine a world in which there was only one Black African nation. Further imagine that an environmental group were to publish a platform in which it criticized the environmental policies of its own nation, but then singled out the Black nation from among all the other polluters in the world for criticism. Would anyone hesitate to describe the singling out of the world's only Black nation for unique condemnation as an act of bigotry motivated by anti-Black racism?”

Perhaps Alan Dershowitz can point to something that he or any Jew has written in which they criticized the Palestinians for something, but then immediately added that to be fair they must also mention that the Jewish Defense League, the Hagenah and the Irgun terrorist organizations as well as the Israeli military and the Jewish settlers in Palestine should be condemned for their savagery and beastly conduct.

Of course, Dershowitz will never produce such a piece because there is none. It is that neither he nor anybody walks around carrying long lists of everything offensive that everybody has committed, so that when criticizing someone, they can mention who else should be criticized for similar offenses. And so, when Dershowitz or any Jew or his sidekick claim that Israel is unfairly singled out, they do nothing less than rape their audiences in the head, the heart and the soul. They should stop this filthy habit because all it does is show the world that they are lowlife, no-good and useless interlocutors.

Let it be known to these characters that Black Lives Matter has adopted the Palestinian cause because it is a trait of the human species to develop affinity with people who suffer the same kind of pain as the self. The phenomenon is called empathy. Given that there are many similarities between the conditions under which the Palestinians are forced to live in their ancestral homeland, and those that the African Americans are forced to live in the land of their birth, it was natural for the latter to empathize with the Palestinians.

The most important of the similarities, is that day in and day out, the Palestinians are made to suffer an indignity never seen anywhere but in America under two similar conditions. It happened to African Americans at the hands of lynch mobs, and happened for a short period of time, to women working for executives who were sexual predators on steroid.

Think about it. Aggression involves one of four kinds of attacks: rape, murder, robbery or insult. Victims everywhere and throughout time, suffered one or the other of these attacks at the hands of an aggressor. The exception being what happened in America. It is that Black victims were both killed and insulted. Women were both raped and insulted. As to what happens in occupied Palestine, it is that the indigenous population is robbed, killed and insulted on a daily basis by the settlers, the army of occupation and the government of Israel.

And there is more. In fact, if you want a more accurate analogy, imagine your home being invaded and robbed, your family murdered and you insulted. That's the image which comes to mind every time that the Palestinians are insulted by the Jewish lobby of America and/or members of the mob of pundits, both organizations that constantly seek to impress those in charge of doling out the taxpayers' money. They make America reward the Israeli criminals for committing unfathomable crimes.