Friday, July 24, 2020

Advised to spurn the heat, and pressed to get out of the kitchen

The late American President Harry S. Truman once advised that, “if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Of course, what he meant by heat, was the pressure of having to perform under the constant gaze of the media. And what he meant by kitchen, was the public life that comes with being in politics.

The advice was addressed to the politicians who used to complain about their work being scrutinized to the minutest detail, and reported to a public that reacted ... not always favorably. As to the people who were not bothered by the irritations of public life, they ignored the President's advice, and continued to discharge their duties as serenely as can be.

Well then, suppose you are one of the serene politicians who may even enjoy the rough and tumble of public life. Suppose you have a so-called friend who constantly hounds you about the misery of having to live and work under the gaze of the media, which is the public's eyes and ears. He (she) constantly advises you to leave the profession and find something else to do. How would you feel about finding yourself in this kind of a situation? What would you be inclined to do?

Believe it or not, something like this is happening in real life. It is that the Jews and their lackeys are constantly hounding the Americans to leave every forum that has an international tinge to it, and get with other nations into a grouping where they will not be scrutinized for everything they do, or questioned for everything they say.

You can see one such hounding, delivered in the form of an article that came under the title: “UN's Iran, China and Russia failures point to why Trump must get tougher, and reduce payments,” and the subtitle: “Only reason to remain a UN member is veto power in the Security Council.” It was written by Jed Babbin and published on July 22, 2020 in the Washington Times.

To justify urging America to leave the international kitchen where the global sausage is made, Jed Babin treated the article he wrote as follows:

After a short preamble about the League of Nations that was replaced by the United Nations (UN), Jed Babbin insulted the latter for being a forum that serves the leaders of the world and being good to them, while being nasty to America and Israel. Without mentioning Donald Trump that's facing daily riots in the major cities of America, or Benjamin Netanyahu that's facing jail time, as did most of Israel's leaders who came before him, Jed Babbin explains his anti-UN outburst by saying that the world organization is not run as efficiently as the mafia. Where are you, Godfather now that you're in demand?

Babbin also says that the UN is useless in every way except for the fact that America has the right of veto in the Security Council, which it uses to protect Israel every time that the latter violates international law such as those pertaining to war crimes and crimes against humanity. In addition, without mentioning a single instance in which someone other than America or Israel made a mockery of international law, Jed Babbin falsely accused everyone of violating international law, and stuck it to the UN because he says that the World Organization repeatedly fails to do its job.

When done with attacking the UN as a concept, Babbin turned his attention to its specialized agencies that do the actual work on the ground, and spewed loads of venom attacking them as well. Among these are the World Health Organization, the system of rapporteurs and the Human Rights Commission. Funny, he forgot all about the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) despite the fact it had been the target of Israel and pundits like himself for ages.

In any case, for all of the above reasons, says Jed babbin, it is not enough for America to withdraw from those agencies; it must get out of the international kitchen that is the UN, altogether. That's because America should not have the mettle to endure the heat that’s generated by officials of the world organization, especially the rapporteur that had the gall to argue that when America assassinated an Iranian general, it breached international law. It is that Babbin and all those like him, believe that America and Israel are so high above the law, they do not commit crimes when they assassinate those whom they detest; they do the world a favor.

Not only does Babbin want America to withdraw from the UN, he wants it to set up a parallel organization, and invite nations acceptable to Israel to join-in, even if this means only Israel will accept the invitation and join. In fact, this is a distinct possibility given that America's (former) close allies, such as those in NATO, can no longer stand being associated with America, because they see it turning unreliable and destructive, living and operating as the puppet of World Jewry and serving no one but Israel.

And there is more. Jed Babbin wants America to do more than go away quietly and mind its business. He wants America to attack, “the UN's failures on Iran, China and Russia.” Here we go again.

So, I ask you this question, dear reader: If that were you in that kind of a situation, what would you do? What would you advise America to do now?