Tuesday, July 21, 2020

An example of politico-diplomatic cannibalism

Every time that someone uttered the well-known adage: “dog-eat-dog,” he (she) were referring to an image they have in their subconscious mind; an image that would define the word “cannibalism” as the act of consuming members of one's own species.

Most of the time, such representation of the world we live in, is recalled from memory when competition in business becomes so heated, the wealthier and more powerful individuals and enterprises, resort to practices that aim to crush the weaker competitors and drive them out of business, perhaps even buy what’s left of them at a dirt cheap price.

But that's not the only example where the image of cannibalism can be used metaphorically to describe situations that have become common for a number of decades. In fact, thousands of articles written by Jews and their lackeys –– urging America to go destroy someone –– have been reviewed in this blog. And for every article that was chosen for parsing here, dozens of other articles didn't make it. But they were out there urging the decision makers in the Washington Beltway to use diplomacy like the sharp knife of a cannibal at the dinner table consuming a member of his (her) own species.

Vaguely aware of what's unfolding in foreign policy, ordinary people do not usually relate to every move that's made by the government in the field of foreign diplomacy. And so, the image of America running around the globe, especially in the Middle East, butchering Arab and Muslim countries to appease the insatiable hunger of the Jews, does not hit home on a regular basis. But when diplomacy becomes tangled-up with local politics, the explosive reality of what's going on abroad is finally revealed to the public.

This is what happened lately, and much of what was unseen for decades, has now been revealed to the American public. In fact, that story was put in the form of an editorial by the editors of the New York Daily News. They wrote: “Engel's duty to history,” which is the title of the piece that also came under the subtitle: “Expose how State Department coddled Nazi war criminals.” The piece was published on July 19, 2020.

The editors tell the story of Eliot Engel, the Jewish Congressman whose doings were finally revealed to his constituents after 32 years of politicking locally and manipulating American diplomacy abroad. Finally, the electors in his district were made to realize that in his capacity as chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, he was not working for them; he was working for a foreign entity called Israel.

The constituents also discovered that Eliot Engel worked for local characters, such as the editors of the New York Daily News, whose ghoulish sentiments surpass those of any cannibal you may have heard of. Engel worked to give the grisly characters what would appease their hunger, but did not always deliver. And now that he has been tossed out by the electorate, the editors want him to do a final kamikaze operation before leaving the scene come January next year. They want him to deliver what he did not during his tenure.

Look how the editors of the Daily News serenaded the one-sided and meager accomplishments of Eliot Engel, and how they asked him to perform the final kamikaze stunt:

“We supported Rep. Eliot Engel in many of his primary contests, including this one, which he has lost to a newcomer. What will be missed is Engel's clout on overseas concerns. He was lonely among Democrats opposing Obama's Iran nuclear deal. Engel was also a champion of Israel. That's harder to find in the Democratic Party these days. But Engel's not gone yet, and in his remaining months running the powerful committee, he must set out to show how the State Department thwarted the Justice Department deporting WWII Nazis. Almost from the beginning of when Justice started pursuing these Nazis in 1978, State dragged its feet. Engel should call former and current prosecutors to demand answers from State. Too many times did the State Department stall to let old Nazis die here”.

A hunger for revenge that can only be appeased by denying a man in his nineties the final wish to be buried in the place where he lived most of his life –– is the moral equivalent of the physical hunger that can only be appeased by consuming the flesh of one's own species. That's cannibalism, and there is nothing that can make it look better than what it is. It also happens to be the most prevalent feature in the character of the editors in charge of the New York Daily News.

However, the Daily News is not the only place where the weird attributes of the alien Judeo-Yiddish culture have been contaminating the humanistic culture, which the authentic people of America are trying to build in their country. It is that the ghoulish Judeo-Yiddish has managed to metastasize itself and permeate all aspects of American life.

This is why only a massive mobilization of the American electorate can rid the country of the morbid syndrome that’s now plaguing it. The good news is that the American people seem to have finally woken up to that reality, and they have decided to take the matter in their own hands.

We can only hope that they succeed decisively, and put America back on the right track. This is our wish for the sake of America and the sake of the world.