Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Two useful Idiots that failed to deliver big

Too bad the slightly smarter guys in Israel did not fall into the trap that two of their useful idiots were going to drag them into.

The idiots had failed to realize the implications of what they were seeing in their hallucination, and devised a plan for Israel. Unfortunately, the slightly smarter ones saw the negative consequences for Israel that would result if the plan were implemented, and rejected the vision of the idiots. Too bad.

To explain their plan, the two idiots, who are run-of-the-mill Jewish lawyers, spouted the usual nonsense that's associated with their kind. They did so with aplomb, believing they were pronouncing the most important utterance since the universe big-banged itself into existence. So, what else is new!?

Alan Baker, who used to advise Israel's Foreign Ministry and served as its ambassador abroad, now works at a center for public affairs. Michel Calvo now represents Israel at the Court of Arbitration. The two men jointly wrote an article under the title: “The Indigenous Rights of the Jewish People and the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People,” published on July 20, 2020 on the website of the Gatestone Institute.

These useful idiots wish to see Israel join and ratify the UN 2007 Declaration concerning the Rights of Indigenous People. What the Declaration does, is set minimum standards that the foreign powers –– which allow their people to settle lands they conquer by force of arms –– must safeguard the rights of the indigenous populations. Needless to say that the US, Canada and Australia rejected the Declaration at first, but then relented and accepted it, promising to treat their indigenous populations in line with the provisions of the Declaration.

Israel too refused to accept the Declaration, but unlike the others, never relented; it continues to refuse. The obvious reason is that treating the indigenous Palestinian population according to the terms of the Declaration, would void Israel's plans to ethnic cleanse the occupied territories of their Palestinian families, and put a heavy burden on the finances of an entity that lives on donated charity collected around the world.

Apparently, however, Alan Baker and Michel Calvo missed all of that, and continue to believe in the hallucinated propaganda which says that Ivanka Trump of the White House and Wolf Blitzer of CNN are original Semites, therefore indigenous to the Land of Palestine. This makes of Mahmoud Abbas and Hanan Ashrawi, leaders of a foreign army that invaded the Trump/Blitzer homeland and colonized it by force of arms. And so, Baker and Calvo want the world to shed tears for Trump and Blitzer, whom they believe, should be treated in line with the terms of the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

And so, in the tradition of screwed up logic, typical of Jewish legal thinking, Baker and Calvo buttressed the defense of their theory with ludicrous non sequitur arguments of the kind that goes something like this: Because you say you live in New York when in fact, you live in Manhattan, you must be a foreign intruder in the area even if you were born and lived all your life in Manhattan, New York.

Here is how the two idiots, now rendered useless rather than useful, sound like as they mutilate a historical event:

“Palestinian claims that they are the indigenous descendants of the Canaanites is a canard that has no basis in fact or history, especially in light of the fact that the entry of Islam into the area of the Holy Land occurred only in the seventh century of the common era”.

To be sure, Canaan is the entire area that stretches from northern Syria to the northern part of Saudi Arabia, which includes the entire Levant and then some. It is the geographic area where the Semitic people have lived since the beginning of time. It is where the Semitic Palestinians originated and lived as members of different tribes. It is where today's Palestinians have roots whether they are animists, Jews, Christians or Muslims. This separates them from the converts to Judaism, people like Trump and Blitzer, whose origin may be Caucasian, African or Mongoloid … geographic areas around the globe where they would have their roots. And these are not Canaan or Palestine or the West Bank or Judea and Samaria or what have you. Anyone that makes such a claim is an impostor, a thief and a killer.

Here is why Israel will never acknowledge the validity of that Declaration, or adopt it:

“The rights acknowledged in the declaration include the basic right to life, integrity and the preservation of the indigenous people's land, language, religion and cultural heritage that are a part of their existence as a people”.

Asking Israel to accord those rights to the Palestinians, is like asking a vulture to relinquish its catch of the day. It is not going to happen voluntarily. But Alan Baker and Michel Calvo still believe that these rights are due to the invading Jewish settlers and not their Palestinian victims. And so, they go on to make the following heartfelt plea:

“It is hoped that the Government of Israel will acknowledge the importance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples, and without delay or excuse, announce its endorsement of this important international document”.

We say amen to that, but also lament the fact that the useful idiots were not useful enough.