Friday, July 10, 2020

The imperfect American Script meant to create a perfect Union

The placid surface of a lake may be an idyllic view that a poet championing peace and serenity, would find both useful and pleasing, but is something that a scientist would not find useful for his research.

That's because science learns and progresses when abnormal disturbances create ripples on the surface of the lake, thus create opportunities for the forces of nature to be measured and studied.

When the study of natural phenomena was a philosophy before it became hard science, the philosophers relied on ripples forming spontaneously to study them and formulate theories as to how nature works. But as technology advanced, tools were invented to help scientists disturb nature and measure the response they cause in relation to the size of the disturbance.

Believe it or not, those ideas correspond with the way that truth is sometimes revealed as we study human affairs. You can see it at work in the article that came under the title: “Ungrateful Omar seeks 'dismantling' of US political and economic system,” written by Monica Showalter and published on July 8, 2020 in The American Thinker.

To Showalter, a normal situation exists when immigrants come into the United States and show gratitude toward the country that took them in and gave them more than they had before. On the other hand, an abnormal situation would be one like that exhibited by Ilhan Omar, which Monica Showalter describes as follows: “Instead of looking on the United States in awe, as normal immigrants do, she stands in judgment, and the US is just not good enough”.

It appears, therefore, that the American lake of politics and economics, which used to look placid, has been disturbed by the advent of Ilhan Omar. The ripples she has created are felt by people like Monica Showalter who is very much a political animal as well as an investor with a keen interest in maintaining a status quo that serves her well. So, the question is this: What is there to learn from all this?

Because the Showalter piece looks more like a disorganized piece of rant than a well-structured essay, the way to find out what goes on inside the head of the writer, is to pick the relevant pieces of information where we can find them, and stick them together as coherently as we can. Having done so, we can safely say that from what Showalter has said and what she quoted others as saying, she believes that some immigrants come into America, do well and seek to preserve the status quo. Other immigrants do not do as well, and they seek to destroy the existing system.

All of a sudden, the analogy of the placid lake proves inadequate to explain why immigrants behave the way they do. This requires that we find another analogy, and so we use the one about the airplane that's in the process of taking off and fly into the sky.

To get up there, an airplane must pick up speed as it accelerates on a long runway. Once the wheels break contact with the ground, the plane is airborne, and the sensation felt by the passengers, changes drastically. What also changes, is what the passengers see looking out the window. Where they could feel the plane vibrate as it gathered speed, and where they could see the scenery rush to the back as the plane moved forward, they now feel the placid sensation of a craft that's gliding through air. When they look out the window, they barely see that they are moving at any speed.

This is a good analogy to what happens to the immigrants who come to America and play their role according to the script. At first, they are shaken as they feel the ground beneath them while trying to pick up speed. But when their life takes off, they feel the serenity of having made it. Generations later, those like Showalter, who were born on the shores of a placid lake and never knew what it was like for their ancestors that ran to pick up speed before taking off, the sight of an Ilhan Omar who could live the good life by keeping her mouth shut, yet refuses to do so, disturbs the lake, crates ripples and frightens them.

Given that the intent of the revolutionary founders who created the American Republic, was to have a perfect union, can we now say that they succeeded? The answer seems to be no, the founders have not succeeded. As the evidence suggests, this is due to the fact that every step, taken over the decades, and meant to cause change, has been resisted with such ferocity, it required a new revolution to complete the step. But by the time this was achieved, the resulting damage would have taken the Republic at least one step backward if not more. The net effect of every such battle, has so far been that the more things changed in America, the more they remained the same.

But can someone such as Ilhan Omar and her like-minded colleagues rewrite the American script and produce an outcome that will be so different and lasting, it will truly be progressive?

Time will tell.