Thursday, July 9, 2020

They lie to prod the unwary citizens to hate

Look at this headline:
Ilhan Omar Calls For ‘Dismantling’ American Economy And Political System
What do you see in it that stands out, dear reader?

You see the word 'Dismantling' between quotation marks. This means the word was spoken by Ilhan Omar. But then, the terms: American economy and political system, come right after that ... not in quotation marks. Does this mean Omar did not speak these words but that the writer of the article or its editor added them? Or does it mean that Omar spoke these words but not in the context of dismantling the American economy or political system?

These questions acquire significance when you read the article that came under that headline, and when you watch the accompanying video. The article was written by Elle Reynolds, and published on July 7, 2020 in the online magazine, The Federalist.

When you watch the video, you encounter the journalistic crime and intellectual fraud that were committed by the writer, as well as the attempt to cover them by the editor of the Federalist ... which he (she) did instead of telling the writer to correct the deliberate inaccuracies in her article. Indeed, what you'll see when you watch the video is that Ilhan Omar did not say dismantle the economy or the political system; she said, “dismantle the system of oppression where we find it”.

To add to her aesthetic crime of attacking an innocent woman, and bear false witness to besmirch her character, Elle Reynolds or the editor did what dogs do instinctively, which is to go to their old poops or those of other dogs, and add more poops to them. In keeping with this tradition, Reynolds reminded the readers of the stack of journalistic crimes and intellectual frauds that were committed against Ilhan Omar by Jewish members of the mob of pundits, and their Evangelical running dogs.

Here is what Elle Reynolds has compiled in her desperate attempt to harm Ilhan Omar:

“This also isn't Omar's first time making extreme statements. In April 2019, she faced backlash over her characterization of the September 11, 2011 terrorist attacks as 'some people did something.' She has also been criticized for anti-Semitic sentiments, including a tweet in 2012 that said 'Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.' Additionally, Omar has faced criticism for refusing to support a bill condemning the Armenian Genocide”.

Reynolds has leveled three accusations against Ilhan Omar. She must believe they are consequential, and will most certainly wound Ilhan Omar so badly, the American legislator will never recover. And when this will become apparent, Reynolds believes that the Jewish leaders she is trying to impress, will sleep well tonight. And when they wake up in the morning, they will blow her kisses and a few dollars. Well then, let's look at the accusations beginning with the last one:

In advanced democratic regimes, legislators weigh the available evidence, consider the consequences of voting one way or the other on a host of related and unrelated issues, and then vote their conscience. By contrast, in primitive dog-like regimes, a small group comes up with an idea. It tells everyone how to vote, and they all vote as instructed. America used to be advanced. Then the Jews came-in and turned it into dog-like and primitive. Later, Ilhan Omar and like-minded colleagues came-in and began to restore America's honor. So now you know why Elle Reynolds is doing more than huffing and puffing for Omar refusing to support the bill on the Armenian genocide … she is barking furiously to express her disappointment.

As to Omar's tweet about Israel hypnotizing the world, Elle Reynolds may protest that she is not of the world, and we'll accept her assertion without question. But if she is not of the world, can she explain how it is that she got so hypnotized, she is barking a nonsensical language that is out of the Jewish playbook?

Finally, we look at Omar's mention of the 9/11 thing that flared like a flash in the pan, and died when people realized how artificial and trivial the uproar had been. In fact, it has been a while since Omar spoke those words, and no one has bothered to explain why it is that what she said was wrong. It is as if what happened was clear to everyone, and that everyone saw the same thing. But the reality is that no one knows what the heck the fuss was all about.

The truth is that this was an artificial reaction trying to mimic a quirk you see recur differently in different cultures. For example, devout Muslims would not start a conversation before praising Allah. Some Christians would not eat before saying grace. A journalist would not quiz a politician about the predicted high level of casualties without first stating that he hopes the prediction will prove wrong.

And so the Jews came up with the idea that today, next century, next millennium and forever, everyone that intends to mention 9/11, must first curse the Arabs, shed a tear for the Americans or do both … and then proceed to talk about the thing that’s sometimes referred to as 9/11.

Because Ilhan Omar omitted this part of the corny ritual, which the Jews have been trying in vain to force into the American culture, the Jewish propaganda machine raised a stink.

But in the same way that the abuse of the word “Holocaust” trivialized the thing, repeated mention of the 9/11 tragedy is slowing debasing the event.

This is happening at the hands of a Jewish mob of pundits teaming up with moral prostitutes of the Evangelical variety, both trying to weaponize a historical event, and use it to score cheap political points.