Saturday, August 15, 2020

Late by 18 years, and susceptible to sabotage

Late in the year 2007 two things happened that remain memorable to me. I launched this blog and the Annapolis Conference had started and was still ongoing.

I had learned a great deal about the Jews by that time, but not enough to see through their bad faith. And yet, this was something I needed badly to temper my optimism, and be warned that the Jews would torpedo the peace process because their hunger to steal what belongs to others, exceeded their desire to live a normal life. And so, I foolishly stood in opposition to those who were predicting the failure of the Conference; I even criticized them bitterly.

Now, thirteen years later, a new attempt at forging a comprehensive peace deal in the Middle East has just started, and I'm not going to express optimism or pessimism as to the outcome. What I'll do is observe the events as they unfold, parse them as best I can, and report to my readers what I see is unfolding, and what I believe is happening.

From the deluge of news items and opinion pieces that have flooded the information landscape lately, I pick three pieces for review because I believe they adequately represent the big picture. They are: (1) The Israel-UAE agreement is a key step for peace and sends a crucial message to Palestinians,” written by Dennis Ross and published on August 13, 2020 in The Washington Post; (2) “A huge triumph for Israel, Bibi –– and Trump,” an editorial of the New York Post that was published on August 13, 2020; and (3) “Tlaib Slams Israel-UAE Deal: 'We Won't Celebrate Netanyahu for Not Stealing Land,' written by Zachary Evans and published on August 13, 2020 in National Review Online.

Dennis Ross is one of those Jews who spent his professional life being paid by the American government while pretending to work for America when in reality, he was working for the Israeli government to the detriment of America's interests as well as those of the Palestinians. When he left the government, he partnered with every Jewish organization and publication that would take him, to propagandize the Judeo-Israeli causes. He did that till Netanyahu's decision to annex rumps of the Palestinian West Bank, a move that in Dennis Ross's view will dilute the Jewishness of Israel. And so, he opposed it.

Ross seems happy with the agreement-in-the-making that's shaping between the UAE and Israel because it gives Israel everything that the fanatic Jews have always wanted without diluting the entity's Jewishness. Indeed, Dennis Ross has come to realize that the Palestinians are not going anywhere, no matter how brutally the American equipped and financed army and settlers treat them. But this does not mean that he sympathizes with their plight. On the contrary, he hates them with every fiber in his body, and he seizes every occasion to denigrate them.

Though requiring a thorough reinterpretation, the most useful part that can be taken away from the Dennis Ross article, is contained in the following passage:

“This may seem surprising, since the Emirates have neither been in the forefront of peace-making diplomacy nor had a good relationship with President Abbas of the PA. And yet, because Crown Prince Mohammad bin Zayed and other leaders believe that Israeli annexation would kill the possibility of two states, they decided to offer normalization. They understood that this move would preserve the option for a two-state solution and preempt Iran from exploiting the anger that annexation would likely produce to serve their aims in the region”.

This is baloney, of course, since the event that caused the breakthrough was the phone call that Trump made to Zayed and Netanyahu. Meanwhile, the Emirates did not offer something that isn't already in the 2002 Arab League Initiative. It had been sitting on the table as a take it or leave it proposition. That was the Arab incentive to encourage the Jews to get civilized, but that's not how the Jews operate, unfortunately.

What the Jews constantly look for is leverage they can use to force others to bend to their will. Since they cannot develop leverage on their own, they look for suckers to use as leverage. The Americans fit the bill exactly right, and the Jews have been suckering them for decades. This resulted in Donald Trump hearing the American people say enough is enough. And so, he decided to pull the plug on Netanyahu, causing him to grumble and whine like a child that had the lollipop taken away from him.

As to the editorial of the New York Post; it is typical of what you’d expect from the Neocons. They want their readers to believe that Trump and the Bibi conspired in secret to bluff the Emirates, making them believe that Israel will annex parts of Palestine unless they say “Yes, Sir” when Trump calls to tell them, they must love Israel and the Jews, or the Palestinians will lose yet another chunk of their beloved homeland. And the Emirates capitulated on the spot, fell to their knees, and cried out: “Please, please, please, don't do it. We're ready and willing to do anything you say.” Well, my friend, there is an English expression that tells what that is. It sounds like this: bullshit!

And then, there is the Zachary Evans piece. He reported on what Representative Rashida Tlaib has said upon hearing the news. She is American-born of Palestinian descent, serving her American constituents in America. He is a Jew that did not serve in the American military but served in the Israeli military.

Instead of starting the piece by telling his readers what Tlaib had said, and then tell them what else he observed, he started by saying that Rashida Tlaib was a supporter of BDS. He then went on to tell what she had said, which is this:

“We won't celebrate Netanyahu for not stealing land he already controls … The heart of the issue has never been planned, formal annexation, but ongoing, devastating apartheid … This deal will not alleviate Palestinian suffering––it will further normalize it”.

And then, like a dedicated Fifth Columnist with a mandate from the Jewish Central Command to stealthily chip away at the American Constitution, the Israeli soldier––now disguised as an American Journalist––went on to make a mockery of the right to free association and free assembly, heretofore thought to be unalienable rights guaranteed by the Constitution to every American.

But why would the Jewish Central Command go as far as that to denigrate one of the most important provisions in the Constitution? They do it all the time because they want the State Legislatures and the Federal Congress to rob the American people of the right to exercise another provision in the Constitution: the freedom to choose between adopting BDS or rejecting it.

That's that for now. So, guess what will happen going forward. The Jewish Central Command will assemble the most formidable prostitutes it has under its wing, and send them to tell Donald Trump he must allow the Bibi of Israel to have his cake and eat it too. That is, he will support the Bibi saying that he will annex Palestinian lands at a future date, and if he (Trump) would still be President; he will wholeheartedly support his move.

Given that Trump is notoriously volatile, the chances are 50-50 that he'll sabotage the one good thing he did since taking office.