Sunday, August 16, 2020

No Fury in Hell like a Trickster unmasked

When 41 years ago, negotiations for a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel were completed, the Jews everywhere were jubilant. They saw it as the sex act that was consummated, and all that was left to do was for the pregnancy to progress and come to term, according to one of the rabbis.

Things moved on normally for a while, but then it became clear that the Jews had a different understanding of what the conception was supposed to produce. Whereas the world expected a normal baby, the Jews hoped to see a diplomatic and cultural twin of Rosemary's Baby, the way that Roman Polanski portrayed it. If you want to know how that looks in real life, look at the demonic bipartisan hold that the Jews have on the American governing apparatus. They don't come any scarier than that.

The World and the Arabs, especially the Egyptians, expected two developments to start unfolding. First, they expected to see the agreements arrived at through negotiation, to be implemented according to the plan that was put on paper. This was the artificial part of the process. Second, they expected normalization between the two sides to proceed organically, without the authorities interfering to speed up or slow down the process. This was the natural part of the process. But guess what happened … You guessed it.

The Jews tried to reverse the two processes, and the move blew up in their faces. For example, with regard to Gaza, the Israelis sent in more settlers instead of pulling out those already there as per the agreement between Sadat and Begin. The Gazans were forced to sacrifice much of the little they had to kick the Jews out of their territory. Parallel to that, instead of letting the market grow the various relationships between the two civilians organically, the Jews ran to the bozos of America's Congress and asked them to pressure the Egyptian government to pressure the Egyptian businessmen to do business with Israel.

When the Egyptian people discovered that they had given the Jews a bag of precious gemstones to celebrate the new treaty, and got in return nothing but a bag of tricks and poison pills, they started to distance themselves from Israel. That's when they realized there was no fury in hell like a trickster unmasked. In America, in Europe and everywhere, the Jewish Central Command instructed their operatives, their mobsters of punditry, and the members of their formal and informal lobbies, to gather every gun they had, and open fire on Egypt, doing negative propaganda overtly and covertly everywhere they saw a sign of Egypt … and never to cease firing till further notice; one that hasn't come to this day after decades of firing.

Let me now tell you this, dear reader. The preceding was a preamble I meant it to serve as advice to a couple of self-declared optimists concerning the understanding arrived at by the UAE, the US and Israel. One of the two is Daniel Pipes who wrote: “An Optimistic Future for Israel and the United Arab Emirates,” an article that was published on August 14, 2020 in The National Interest. The other optimist is the editorial board of the Washington Examiner, which came up with a piece it delivered under the title: “Team Trump deserves congratulations on UAE-Israel peace deal,” published on August 14, 2020.

What can go wrong, you ask? The answer is that plenty can go wrong. We don't have the full story yet, but the little that came out, sounds like a hand grenade with a pin that's 90% pulled out. Just look at the joint statement that the Jews had the White House put out. It mentions foreseen agreements yet to be negotiated concerning, “investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture and the environment”.

These are the fields in which the Israelis are zeros, and totally dependent on others –– especially the US and Europe –– to acquire the semblance that they are with it. In fact, the Jews have always tried to pretend they were an important factor in the research and development that's done in foreign countries, and got away with it for a while. The Jews did so till they shot themselves in the foot as per the Jewish habit. And so, they were told to shut up in no uncertain terms, and they did. What they had done, by the way, was that they tried to convince the world, Israel taught the Americans how to build and use drones. Unfortunately for the poor buggers, what they didn't know was that the Americans were building and using drones for experimental purposes half a century before there even was an Israel … and the world knew that.

The lesson that Daniel Pipes and the editors of the Washington Examiner must learn is that the Jews of Israel run the risk of turning a burgeoning friendship with the UAE into morbid hostilities such as they cultivated with Iran and Turkey, or they'll turn that relationship into a cold peace such as they cultivated with Egypt and Jordan.

Because we must assume that when dealing with Israel, the Emirates will be closer in temperament to the Iranians and the Turks than were the Egyptians and the Jordanians, the cultivation of morbid hostility by Israel with the UAE, is a distinct possibility.

That's because the people of North East Africa and the Levant have lived with Jews for many centuries, and learned to tame their most destructive impulses. No one else knows the secret, which is why people everywhere else succumb to Jewish trickery and go down the tube of Jewish tyranny the way it happened in the American Beltway.

Or some people will wake up from a horrific nightmare one fateful morning, and turn against the Jews the way they did in Europe. A pogrom or a holocaust is something that never happened in the Arab world, and it should stay that way. It is why Daniel Pipes and the editors of the Examiner must civilize the Jews of Israel, and then teach them how to act and remain civilized.