Thursday, August 13, 2020

Look who's talking about the evil of tyranny

Imagine a dialogue between a fanatic Jew and a well-adjusted American gentile, going as follows:

JEW: The problem is that when you say we're more loyal to Israel than America, is that you stereotype us. And when you say we're more loyal to America than to Israel, you stereotype us.

GENTILE: So then, what should I say?

JEW: Say nothing.

GENTILE: Say nothing? But that's tyranny. You're curtailing my right to free speech.

JEW: There you go again. You keep stereotyping us. Telling you to refrain from being antisemitic is not curtailing free speech, and it is not imposing tyranny.

GENTILE: But what do you make of someone telling me to say nothing?

JEW: Look, I am telling you that Jews are not tyrants. They don't curtail free speech.

GENTILE: But that's not what I see.

JEW: You don't see the truth because you're looking in the wrong direction.

GENTILE: I don't understand what you're saying.

JEW: Let me tell you something you don't know. The Jews in Israel are the biggest defenders of free speech. All you have to do is ask the Arabs there, they'll tell you they can say anything they want.

GENTILE: But I don't care what freedom you give to the Arabs in Israel, I care about the freedom you give to us, Americans here in America.

JEW: See! You're being unreasonable again.

GENTILE: Unreasonable? Is that what tells you I am antisemitic?

JEW: That's one reason. There are many others.

GENTILE: You know something my Jewish friend? If this is antisemitism, I love being what I am. Antisemitic? So be it. And may the whole world be like me, and turn antisemitic. It will be a much better world.

With this in mind, read the article that came under the title: “Tyrants, including rulers of Iran, China and North Korea, threaten free speech in all countries,” written by Clifford D. May and published on August 11, 2020 in The Washington Times.

Clifford May wrote the article to tell the world what has been going on between Iran and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) which is the comical outfit he founded; one that nevertheless irked the Iranians enough to motivate them sanctioning it and sanctioning two of its employees. Clifford May says he is unhappy with that development because he feels threatened.

He admits that for many years, FDD and the two employees have been inciting America to sanction Iran to the maximum, something he says is absolutely legal to do. And of course, because it is legal for America to sanction Iran –– an act that may escalate to force the deployment of the famous options on the table –– it should also be legal for Iran to sanction FDD and two of its employees; an act that is symbolic, he says, but one that may lead to the following: “further legal measures that other institutions and organizations may take to counter, prosecute or punish FDD”.

It is that word “punish” FDD that scares him, he says. That's because the Iranians are evil, he asserts, as proven by the bad things they do around the world, including the fatwa they issued against Salman Rushdie.

The trouble, however, is that Clifford May did not point to a single act the Iranians committed that wasn't a retaliation to something that was done to them. This is unlike the Americans who developed the habit of going on a rampage and causing the wholesale obliteration of entire countries on the mere hunch that, “storms were gathering, and they could lead to mushroom clouds.” As to the Salman Rushdie thing, more than 30 years have passed since the fatwa. He is still alive, still around and doing very well, thank you.

Because the fear and complaint of Clifford May do not make sense to you, especially in view of what the Jews are doing to free speech in America, to the way they force the indoctrination of schoolchildren, and the way they impose Israel's tyrannical demands on the American people who exercise their constitutional right to honor BDS, you decide you must find out what the man wishes for and what he dreams about.

To those ends, you go through his article again where you encounter the following passages:

“For decades, it was believed that trading with tyrants and welcoming them into international organizations, would put them on a path to liberalization. That belief was misplaced. Perhaps the free nations of the world might consider building communities based on free trade agreements, while leaving the rogue regimes to manage on their own. This should also make clear why it is essential that free nations maintain defensive capabilities and mutual defense alliances sufficient to deter adversaries. Bellicose regimes we cannot deter; we will need to defeat. Finally, we should always support those fighting for freedom and human rights in foreign lands”.

In essence then, having spent decades pressuring America to isolate Iran or destroy it but failing miserably, the Jews have decided to change strategy. Sensing that their pressure had caused America to be isolated in the world, and that the latter will be forced to reverse its foreign policy, including that which pertains to the Middle East, the Jewish Central Command has instructed its operatives to get ahead of the events and do what Clifford May just did.

What he did is tell Washington it should get out of the international community and drag with it the countries that would follow suit, thus team up with Israel and form a new international community. This one will stand parallel to the existing community, and will compete against it by maintaining the same old policies regarding the defensive capabilities of the new group, the mutual defense alliances and the plans to engage and defeat the regimes that cannot be deterred. And that's not to forget supporting those who fight for freedom and human rights in foreign lands.

These are the themes that members of the mob of Jewish pundits will peddle until such time that new instructions are issued from the Jewish Central Command.

So, brace yourself, my friend, and prepare for a long period of repetitive and boring reading.