Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Jewish Art of turning Friends into Foes

Clifford D. May is lamenting: “America's key European Allies side with Tehran, Moscow and Beijing,” which is the title of his latest column actually. It was published on August 18, 2020 in The Washington Times.

The amazing thing about this column is that the author is proceeding under the self-delusional impression that he is doing a good job explaining to his readers why it is unfair for the Europeans to part company with America at this time, when in reality he is doing a good job explaining to his readers why it is perfectly logical for the Europeans to part company with America at this time.

The problem that's diminishing Clifford May's ability to reason logically, is that the twisted Jewish culture in which he was raised, continues to influence his thinking to a high degree despite the many years during which he was exposed to different cultures and different modes of thinking. Regrettably, he fails to see what the world –– including America's allies –– sees, which is that America and not Iran is the world's leading sponsor of terrorism. It is so by virtues of being Israel's funder and provider of weapons at a time when Israel is known to be the only terrorist entity in the world today.

Had the American people not been swamped by tsunami waves of Jewish propaganda for more than half a century, they would have rejected what their politicians are doing, shredding every American principle as they do, to serve Israel's interests while antagonizing the world, including America's allies. But the good news is that after half a century of silence, the American people are beginning to make their views knows. They are speaking up to the effect that the lowlife politicians must sacrifice no more of their country for any reason, especially not for the treasonous expectation that the Jews can or will help them get reelected.

And so, while the American people are endeavoring to pull their country away from the Jewish orbit, and get it closer to where the rest of the world stands, the Jews who pretend to be Americans while being loyal to Israel and only Israel, continue to try steering America away from the rest of the world. Their aim is to get America back into the Jewish orbit so that it will remain beholden to serving Israel's interests as it had been doing for half a century.

This time, Clifford May is not saying anything about the shift in attitude among the American people who decided to side with the world rather than the Jews. But he is saying something about America's closest allies who stood with the world by abstaining to vote on an anti-Iran resolution that was introduced in the Security Council of the UN by America. This is what Clifford May has said about the allies:

“The leaders of Britain and France along with Germany, Belgium and Estonia abstained … as I fear, because they have adopted a policy of accommodation and appeasement vis-a-vis threatening regimes. Keep in mind that Iran's rulers and Hezbollah, have been responsible for multiple acts of terrorism on European soil”.

What does that say to you, my friend? Does it not blow every paradigm under which the Jews have been telling America to operate? They were saying that maximum pressure on Iran was going to make that country capitulate. Instead, Clifford May is now saying that the West, including the American public, have capitulated in the face of Iran's ability to inflict pain on those that harm its interests.

And what is there to say about the progressive American people breaking away with their politicians on the subject of slavish allegiance to the Jews and to Israel? Is Clifford May accusing these people of cowering in the face of terrorism the way that he accuses the Europeans?

Whether there is truth in Clifford May's new muddled ideas or there isn't, such ideas lead to the paradox of the man simultaneously asserting two opposite situations. (1) The policy of maximum pressure on Iran, which he and his colleagues have advocated for years, turned out to be a dismal failure according to him. (2) America must continue that same policy and expect a different result.

Some people may see insanity in that kind of attitude, and dismiss the whole thing as just another worthless Jewish exercise. But other people, especially those in Europe, assign a high value to this kind of talk when it comes out of America. That's because time after time, the Europeans saw that a media campaign highlighting Jewish desires for something, often translated into “kinetic” action inflicted by the American military on someone, somewhere in the world.

They know how much misery can result from such action, and how much it will take to heal the wounds and get things back to normal. This is why the Europeans are breaking away from the Americans on this occasion, and perhaps forever. It is why Jews such as Clifford May, who are adept at turning friends into foes and never the other way around, are perplexed.