Friday, August 14, 2020

The 3 crucial Days in the long Battle between Good and Evil

Time after time, American Jew after American Jew, and lackey after lackey, come up with outrageous diagnoses of what they say ails the Middle East, and propose cures to heal nothing that needs healing. In most cases, the fake cures have even caused diseases that were not there before.

This is what you'll sense when reading the article that came under the title: “Pandemic presents opportunities to rebuild America's global standing with Middle Eastern states,” written by William J. Bender and Ari Cicurel, and published on August 10, 2020 in The Washington Times.

As indicated in the title of the article, the two authors are suggesting that America should take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic hitting everywhere on the globe, and repair its own tattered standing, especially in the Middle East where it has suffered the most. But how to do that?

Well, the answer was there all along, and if the two authors had waited 3 days, they would have avoided generating the irony of Ari Cicurel co-authoring a piece like that. You see, my friend, Ari Cicurel, is the descendant of a famous Jewish Egyptian patriarch. Had young Ari been raised as an Egyptian instead of an American, he would not have touched a piece of writing like that with a ten-foot pole. It's because the approach that was followed in that piece, goes against logic; even more important, it goes against the grain of Middle Eastern culture. Let me tell you why:

The two authors say that America must continue the use of foreign aid; a program that has been in place for decades. But look ... America lost standing despite the program being there all that time. Maintaining it will not reverse the trend of America losing standing. Rather, we must accept the reality that something deeply toxic is causing the esteem of the world for America to erode.

In addition, the entire foreign aid program of America amounts to only $50 billion, a big chunk of which goes to Israel. That's happening at a time when the reported loss this year to the oil producing countries alone, will amount to something like $270 billion. In fact, this is why Bender and Cicurel say America must do more. They want to see the superpower use the influence it has with the world financial institutions, and have them lend more money to the nations which are in most need of help.

But that's fake grandstanding because the bitter fact is that these institutions have always been helpful, or they wanted to but could not. It is that there came moments when they fell short––not because they lacked the means to help but––because America pressured them to join the sanctioning of countries that refused to publicly declare their undying love for Israel and the Jews … or some such illogical demand spouted from the mouth of the oracle of Zion.

And that's not all, say the two authors. They also want America to invest abroad to counter what the Chinese are doing. Well, aside from the fact that it is bad to fake affection for someone on second thought, or because of jealousy that someone else did it first, there is the fact that America was doing well investing abroad until the Jews conquered the superpower and meddled in America's relationships with others.

Today, everyone knows that doing business with America is opening the door for the Jews to poke their noses into one's affairs. And they know what this means, because they all read the Jewish controlled American media where the primitive apes of foreign policy incite the American companies to hold back on the delivery of spare parts needed by the machines they sold to countries which now refuse to declare their undying love for Israel and the Jews. Nobody wants to put themselves in a situation like this when they can do business with normal human beings they meet in China, Russia and Europe.

As if that's not enough –– here is the cinch –– Bender and Cicurel are suggesting that America should work to bring together the Sunni Arab Gulf nations and Israel into a Pact of Hate that will identify Iran as the object of fear and loathing. Well, all I can say is that these people never learned the lesson of history. It is that the colonial powers have failed multiple times to bring that diseased mentality to the Arab world since they failed the first time to form a Baghdad Pact, 65 years ago. Time after time, the Arabs have shown that they do not unite in hate. This is a Jewish disease that the Arabs abhor; something that the Jews have transplanted into some parts of Europe and among some people in America.

And so, 3 days after publishing the Bender and Cicurel article, what needed to be done began to be done on August 13, 2020. It is that the drama of the battle between the “good” which is the Arab incentive, and the “bad” which is the Jewish quest for leverage, seems to have entered the denouement phase. It all happened when the document that was produced by the Jewish Central Command was rejected by Donald Trump, and taken off the table permanently.

This act deprived the Jews of the ability to use America as leverage with which to counter the Arab incentive and maintain the occupation of Palestine till such time they can ethnic-cleanse it of its indigenous population.

So now, we're back to the initiative of the Arab League (the good incentive) that was first proposed in the year 2002. And Israel no longer has the American (bad leverage) because Donald Trump has decided not to sink into the annals of history with the document from the Jewish Central Command tied to his neck like the Albatross of political infamy.

As to the other players, vying to replace Trump in the White House, the latest developments told the Jews not to count on help coming from that direction.