Monday, December 2, 2013

U.S. Constitution Battling the Lust for Blood

No one in his right mind can look at the situation in the United States of America at this time and deny that it is a mess at par with any failed state you can imagine in the Third World. But if it is possible to encounter such a denier now, it will be impossible to encounter one in the future because matters are bound to get worse, and they will affect so much of the other things that the future will not be able to ignore reality.

And with the recognition that things are bad, comes the realization that they are what they are because they have been neglected in favor of something else. It will not require too much brain power after that to conclude that America's legislative and executive resources were removed from the task of serving America to serve Israel and the Jewish causes instead. Not only did this deprive America from the attention it deserves, but the effect has also impacted the country negatively because the way to make things sweet for Israel and the Jews has been to make them tart and briny for America and the American people.

Things have escalated to this point in America because the easy going and trusting people there snoozed while a group (calling itself Jewish) that had acquired nearly four thousand years of experience living off its neighbors, managed to make itself neighbors with the Americans. It gave them the full treatment of living off their country, and added to the irony by doing what it could not do anywhere else; it made them thank it for taking advantage of them. And that was only act one of the tragedy that played itself out in America. But this is a play in several acts that always played itself to the end everywhere else in the world before the curtain came down on the horror that is its endgame.

Act two is now starting to play itself out in America. It is beginning with a number of American legislators shown to be slavishly tethered to their Jewish masters; all working on a plan that will paralyze their own President in a matter that the Constitution of the Republic has placed in his purview. These so-called legislators who, not long ago left their posts to go on a vacation, letting their country fall off a fiscal cliff, have remained at their posts during this holiday season for the purpose of sabotaging their own country. They are committing treasonous acts in a deliberate fashion by subverting their Constitution, and halting the progress of their President as he tries to serve American interests in foreign policy issues. What they want him to do, instead, is divert the resources of America to serve the interests of Israel and World Jewry.

The extend of that treason can be seen in a report written by Karen DeYoung and Joby Warrrick for the Washington Post, and published in the newspaper on December 1, 2013 under the title: “As senators work on Iran sanctions bill, White House lobbies lawmakers not to act.” The very first sentence in that report tells the reader that the knives to stab America in the back are being sharpened by horrible characters whose understanding of principled patriotism stinks as badly as the decomposing remains of a dead skunk. Read the following and feel sick to the stomach like the rest of us did: “As much as any foreign issue, the Iran sanctions now find President Obama at odds with a hefty portion of his own party's lawmakers, as well as most Republicans.”

Those who behaved like partisan rats – caught in a cross-party ideological war – jumping off the ship of state to go hide somewhere when the country was falling off the fiscal cliff, are now described as being: “A bipartisan juggernaut of senior senators spending the week of Thanksgiving forging agreement on a new bill that they hope to pass before Christmas.” Whatever excuse this band of traitors is giving to doing what they do, no one believes that this much dedication is devoted to anything that is not fanatic to the extreme. And what is fanatic in all of this, is the Jewish lust for war, blood and mayhem – that which is at the foundation of their religious beliefs.

Thus, the DeYoung and Warrick report goes on to tell that: “The administration believes the legislation could scuttle the interim nuclear agreement … to ensure that Iran will never be able to build a nuclear weapon.” But scuttling the agreement is what the legislative rats said was their aim. They did not come out now and say exactly why they want to do that for, but their position has been known for several decades. It is that they want America to get involved in a war everywhere Israel tells it to send its boys and girls where they will die trying to kill innocent strangers that did nothing to hurt America.

To mask this reality, the treasonous rats – Jews and gentiles alike – in both parties have fabricated a set of fake excuses which they employ as talking points to fend off journalistic questions on the subject. Here is how it sounds coming out the mouth of a certain David Cohen: “The purpose of sanctions was to create a dynamic so that you can get a change in policy from the Iranians.” Well, they are claiming that the change in policy has come already in that the Iranians showed up at the bargaining table. So then, why push the matter past the edge at this time unless the intent from the beginning was not to get to the bargain table, but to go past it to the edge of the cliff and fall off the precipice into the arms of a war without end? That would be the fulfillment of the prophecy that will ultimately hand the world over to the Jews so that they may rule over humanity, being the chosen children of God.

And so, you continue to read through the report and see the quackery that comes out the mouth of such idiotic mischief makers as Nathan Diament, Benjamin Netanyahu, Robert Menendez, Barbara Mikulski, Kirsten Gillibrand, Charles Schumer, Ted Cruz, Kelly Ayotte and dozens of others who prove to be very articulate when it comes to telling you why the business of America must come to a halt here and now, and just as articulate when it comes to telling you why the business of Israel and the Jews must continue to move forward now and forever.

But like anyone that knows physics will tell you, to have movement, you must expend energy. And the energy that is expended here comes out the credibility of America, and out the reservoir of respect that the world used to have for the superpower. This is being eroded now – and has been – since the Jews tapped into it, exhausting it at a merciless pace.

The net result is that the world finds it unthinkable not to push America around the way that the little thing they call Israel does. “We are learning from our enemies how to treat America,” they are telling Americans. “If the Jews can do it, we can do it too,” they are telling each other. “This is what you have been reduced to, America” the rest of us are saying. But will America hear us?