Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fantasy before, Fantasy now, Fantasy forever

Now that so much has been clarified with regard to the method by which the Jews operate, you'll have a difficult time finding someone who will dispute that America is in the gutter today because it listened to the Jews who swarmed it decades ago, and have been whispering in its ear the wrong kind of advice – the kind that was instrumental in pushing the former superpower into the gutter.

You'll also have a difficult time finding someone who doesn't know what the Jewish method entails. In fact, most people know now that the Jews will push you to do something without ever providing you with an exit strategy in case you complete the plan, or providing you with a plan B in case something goes wrong, and you need to shift gears so as to salvage what you can of the original plan A.

And if you look around long enough, you'll find that some people have come to understand why the Jews constantly develop viewpoints that make no sense, and why they come up with advice that always fail. It is that they are raised in the belief that God has created everything with only them in mind. Thus, they feel they are commanded to go through life knowing that everything was created for them to enjoy a smooth ride to the glorious destiny that awaits them. But if they encounter obstacles along the way, it is that God has allowed for evil to exist and to play a role in the unfolding of the human drama.

Despite that last caveat, the Jews never plan for an exit strategy, nor do they prepare a plan B. That's because they are told as children that God will be there to rescue them if they get into trouble. But centuries of experience filled with pogroms and holocausts have taught them not to rely this much on God rescuing them at the right time. And so, they developed the idea of getting themselves only in situations they know they can win. As to the other situations, they push suckers like the Americans to take them. And the Americans gladly oblige each and every time they are called upon to serve the Jews despite the defeats they have suffered over the decades.

That is why the Jews came to be identified as the people who would look at the road ahead and see it as clear as their fantasy would make it. It is also why they did well at the start of every encounter they initiated, but then lost the battles after the victims recovered, regrouped and counterattacked. And it is why the Americans lost every situation into which the Jews pushed them.

That being the pattern of yesteryear, it continues today. It draws imaginary strength from the same old fantasy about the road ahead being smooth, and from the false promise of a nice ride ahead. This is why the Americans continue to hear they need no exist strategy or a plan B. You'll recognize these points when you go over the David French article that came under the title: “Republican Presidential Contenders' Cowardly, After-the-fact Opposition to the Iraq War,” published on May 15, 2015 in National Review Online.

Here is the passage that hints at the road ahead being so smooth it will result in a nice ride: “knowing now what we didn't know then, the answer is a smarter intervention, not the same intervention – an intervention that combines the tactics and lessons of the Surge with the staying power we've demonstrated in other volatile hot spots, like Korea.”

Did you get the gist of what he is saying, my friend? He is saying the world would have been better off letting the Middle East do as well as North Korea ... producing and testing nuclear weapons as well as developing submarine launched ballistic missiles armed with nuclear tips. Well, I'm sure you're ready now to join me as I ask a simple question: Where is the nearest mental hospital that would take this raving maniac, and keep him under constant surveillance for his own good and for the good of mankind?

Korea is an example where America had it its way in that the country was divided into two parts, with America maintaining troops in one part, and where the potential for a catastrophe to happen looms large. Contrast this with Vietnam where America did not have it its way, the country was unified, and America gained a friend as the old enemies have shown, not rancor as predicted, but shown magnanimity with a hand extended in friendship and a voice asking for conciliation.

Now look what that maniac, David French, says about Vietnam: “We have learned hard lessons since Vietnam – including the simple truth that limiting the application of military force tends to prolong the conflict without achieving decisive results.” Despite the fact that he says 'since' Vietnam, read it as 'about the Vietnam War' because that was the argument that the hawks were advancing at the time. Instead of just defoliating South Vietnam with Agent Orange, they wanted to 'shock and awe' North Vietnam into an Iraq type submission.

Had this happened, imagine what Southeast Asia would look like today. Imagine half a continent, housing billions of people, looking like a combination of the Middle East and North Korea on steroid. But, of course, what stands in the way of this catastrophe from happening, is public opinion – the very thing that David French saw fit to attack: “Public opinion is a fragile thing, subject to change in the face of catastrophic events.”

He goes on to suggest that the country will be better off reversing the democratic order by turning the cause into an effect, and turning the effect into the cause. Here is the work of a brain that is secured upside down inside the skull: “Yet Republicans seem to be allowing public opinion to define the terms of their national-security leadership rather than using leadership to shift public opinion.”

He closes his presentation with this: “That's not the message the next American president should send to an increasingly hostile and unstable world.”

Quick, someone call an ambulance to take this guy to the house of loonies before it is too late to save him.