Saturday, May 30, 2015

To sort out the Mess, sort yourselves out

On May 28, 2015 James Jay Carafano published an article in the Pittsburgh Tribune under the title: “Sorting out the Middle East mess.” As promising as the title may sound, you'll get disappointed reading the article because you'll find it to be far removed from what you wish to see in it.

Instead of telling America to stay out of the mess it has create so that others – such as the neighbors – may have an easier time sorting things out, Carafano tells America to get more involved in the affairs of the Middle East. He acknowledges that “ISIS and al-Qaida are making a great deal of progress over there,” and opines that even if they lost territory “there will be plenty to worry about.” Despite all this, however, he fails to see that the solution to the problem is to go to its root causes and tackle these before doing anything else.

But why is it that Carafano fails to see and hear what is screaming at him in the face? Well, he fails because he has a preconceived idea as to what is supposed to lie down there. He thus refrains from going to that place, preferring instead to imagine seeing the picture that was drummed into his head long ago. And even though he is aware of the many changes that were brought to the region – changes that have caused a profound effect on the various struggles unfolding over there – he dismisses the prowess in the use of the social media that the terrorists have developed.

He rightly calls that prowess “symptoms rather than causes of the threat” but then fails to identify those causes … or more precisely, identify the root causes of the problem. Instead, he abandons that line of inquiry like the rider that replaces his horse in the middle of the race; and takes up the canard that ISIS is succeeding solely because it “can advertise that it's winning against the West.”

Uncertain as to whether or not ISIS has the robust infrastructure in the Americas that would allow it to mount sophisticated operations on these continents, he concedes that the group can still motivate local amateurs to kill many people and cause a great deal of damage. Of course, measures will be taken to deal with the situations as they arise, but Carafano says that nevertheless “defeating ISIS may not be the end of ISIS.”

He thus suggests that “the U.S. will have to remain a strategic partner to prevent conditions that might allow ISIS to come back.” Here again, he demonstrates how badly he misreads the situation, calling for the administration of the old remedies which caused the malady in the first place, having rejected the idea of looking for and tackling the root causes of the problem.

And his hanging on to the old remedies does not stop here. As per the habit these days, he finds a way to drag Iran into the discussion, accusing that country of exerting a destabilizing influence on the region. He tells of this fallacy despite the fact that the bragging done with regard to the ability to destabilize the local regimes – aiming to change them – was done and continues to be done by America and Israel.

Having made the point that the threat and the evil of ISIS are here to stay, and having made the point that Iran has helped it take root by destabilizing the region, Carafano now warns that “no matter what happens to ISIS and al-Qaida, that part of the world is going to get worse.”

That is an important point to make for the sake of Israel which plans to continue destabilizing the region, assisted by America. The expectation being that other groups, modeled after ISIS and al-Qaida, will rise; groups that will pose a threat to Israel. Thus, the plan is to have America stay permanently in the Middle East, to stand as a sentinel protecting Israel while the latter goes on a rampage from time to time, again and again.

Come to think of it, this is what the Jewish/Israeli agenda is about. It must be that Carafano was retained to promote that agenda. What supports this idea is what comes next in the article. In fact, two things come next. First, there is this: “The US has to re-engage in the war of ideas.” Second, there is this: “America has to start naming the enemy.” These are vintage Jewish propaganda machine.

The goal is to achieve something big by naming the enemy radical Islam or some such name, and by engaging simultaneously in a war of ideas that preaches the notion: “Judeo-Christianity is good, Islam is bad.” As to the big thing, it will be the start of a war of the religions; one that will wipe Islam from the face of the Earth, will weaken Christianity, and will allow the Jews to inherit the world … in fulfillment of an ancient promise.