Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Traitors elated by perceived American Defeat

When you betray your country and pledge allegiance to a foreign entity, your view of the world becomes so twisted, you begin to look at everything else through a distorted lens.

In fact, this is the reality that emerges from the Wall Street Journal editorial which came under the title: “Obama Loses the Sunni Arabs” and the subtitle: “They reject his attempts to reassure them over the Iran nuclear deal.” It was published on May 12, 2014.

Embracing the pattern that was adopted by those who say they sit at the right side of the political spectrum, the editors of the Journal display their skewed modes of thinking by first making the suppositions that suit their point of view, and then using these suppositions to conclude that they prove the validity of their point of view.

The supposition they make in this case is that the Arab kings and princes of the Persian Gulf region changed their minds about attending President Obama's invitation to come to the United States personally for the purpose of discussing the situation in their region, especially with regard to Iran's ambitions. And so, the editors attribute the Arab change of mind to the failure of Mr. Obama's foreign policy, arguing that this validates their long held view about that President.

This done, the editors get specific, and point out that Obama failed to lead on the matter of Iran's nuclear ambitions, a development that displeased the Arabs greatly, according to them. But they do not tell what happened during the days from when the six heads of state agreed to attend the Obama meeting personally, to when two of them decided to send someone else instead. And so, the reality is that attributing that change of heart to Obama's failure to lead, does not make sense because the condition that the editors call failure has been there for many years – even according to the editors themselves – and did not happen at the time that the change of heart occurred.

We must therefore accept the explanation that was given by the King of Saudi Arabia to the effect that his country's involvement in the war now raging in Yemen requires his attention more urgently than the Washington meeting. As to the king of Bahrain, it is worth recalling that he faced an insurrection similar to that of Yemen. That's when Saudi troops entered the country and restored order. Thus, the likelihood is that the two kings are working on something too important to leave behind and go to America at this time.

Still, true to their nature, the editors of the Wall Street Journal use the occasion of the two kings not coming to America personally, to celebrate what they perceive as being a defeat for this President when, in reality, the defeat – if it existed – would have been that of America. Here is an example of their celebratory mood: “These rejections can only be described as political snubs rooted in distrust of President Obama and his diplomacy.”

And so, what comes out the Wall Street Journal presentation is that in the view of its editors, it is acceptable to see America get hurt if this means Obama gets hurt in the process. This can only lead a neutral observer to conclude that because Israel and World Jewry gain when Obama gets hurt, the jovial mood of the editors must be rooted in their love for Israel. It also leads to the view that these editors would sacrifice the welfare of the American people for the benefit of Israel and the Jews – which is what defines this insidious new form of national treason.

The rest of the article shows why the editors of the Journal are happy. They say that because “Arab leaders have shown how little trust they put in Mr. Obama's assurances … the acute irony of this meeting is that it reveals the failure of Mr. Obama [to] detach from the Middle East.” They further explain that these developments have spawned new crises which force America to make more security guarantees in the region – a euphemism to mean that America is putting itself at the disposal of Israel.

And while they foresee good things happening for Israel, they foresee that: “His [Obama's] Arab guests … concluding that in the end they are on their own.” What can be better than seeing America get hurt so badly, it must now embrace Israel even more tightly while distancing itself from the Arabs even more broadly?

It is all fantasy, of course, but it is time to celebrate at the Wall Street Journal.