Monday, May 25, 2015

Jewish America raising Terrorists for ISIS

If you want to know why young men and women from the West – not to mention the East and the South – are flocking to the message of ISIL, and why they die to serve the cause of terrorism, consider May 24, 2015 to be your day of enlightenment for, on that day there appeared two articles that will answer your question.

One of the articles is an editorial that came under the title: “The monsters take over as ISIS rolls forward,” and was published in the New York Daily News. The other is a Reuters report that was published in the Guardian under the title: “Netanyahu thanks US for blocking push for Middle East nuclear arms ban” and the subtitle: “US, UK, and Canada opposed Egyptian plan for nuclear-free region.”

It may be true what some people say about human babies being born with an instinct that tends toward the selfish, and a nature that leans toward the wild. However, it does not take these babies too long to develop the intellect that overwhelms their instinct, turning them into the idealistic young men and women that can mystify adults who, by now, would have learned to look at the world through the lens of realism rather than idealism.

And the most powerful sign that the young adults look for to determine if something has gone awry with the world, is the question of equal treatment. Whether raised poor or with a silver spoon in the mouth, whether treated badly or were indulged, kids always feel that something was missing in their lives by virtue of the fact that they started life small and helpless. Thus, being the first underdog they have encountered in life, they see themselves in every person that is badly treated, and identify with them.

And so, when they see young men and women of their age group arm themselves with stones they pick on the ground to do battle against tanks and armored vehicles, and when they hear of warplanes and helicopter gunships blowing up homes in the middle of the night, murdering sleeping women and their babies, the young idealists of the West feel fired up enough to want to help those underdogs even if they face death in the process.

But why is it that the West, including America, fail to see those realities, and proceed from there to solve the problem of what they call terrorism, by eliminating its root causes rather than deploy their vast resources to fight the proverbial windmills of their imagination … and lose the fight the way it is described in the editorial of the New York Daily News?

They fail to see those realities because Jewish America has formed a lobby whose work over the past half century has been to fill the air with noise. It did such a thorough job that the American elites in politics and in the media became so confused, they could not, on their own, tell who in the Middle East were the victims and who were the aggressors.

Thus, the Americans relied on the Jewish lobby to tell them how to proceed in every instance and the Jews took America for a ride. This included the young men and women who had no independent source of information from which to get confirmation for what they were told, or get a point of view that could rebut the constant Jewish voice ramming anti-Arab and anti-Muslim propaganda in their ears.

Then came the internet and the social media, and the young idealists of America – and everywhere else in the West – saw not only the reality of what was happening on the ground, but also the reality of the Jewish horror that had grown to monstrous dimensions in their midst. Still, despite this reversal, America has not yet cleansed itself of the Jewish infestation as it is apparent in the report that was published in the Guardian.

Here, you see an English speaking world obeying the Jewish/Israeli edict of threatening Muslim Iran with annihilation if its leaders only thought of developing nuclear weapons while at the same time protecting Israel from having to divulge whether or not it has an arsenal of nuclear weapons – a possibility it has dangled in the face of the Arabs and the Muslims to say to them: We receive preferential treatment because the big boys of the colonial West wish to keep you as permanent underdogs.

And that's what is firing up the young idealists of the West, and that's why the West is losing. Until and unless America annihilates the Jewish lobby in its midst, it will keep losing to the young militia it is trying to annihilate.