Sunday, May 10, 2015

'Zey know nossing about za Mutation Effect'

I am trying to talk to them in the manner and accent of Yitzhak Shamir. This is because I tried to warn the folks in America that their approach wasn't working but they ignored me, whereas Shamir's saying was taken to heart and followed to the letter. The trouble is that the Shamir saying resulted in America going from superpower to super-joke … the reason why I must now tell these folks about the mutation effect using 'za languitsh of za Shamir' so that they understand what I'm saying, and take it seriously.

The Jewish establishment that's in charge of these things has revived the use of the good-cop/bad-cop idea to try and have it both ways for Israel and for World Jewry. It gave Fareed Zakaria of CNN the role of good cop, and gave Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu of Israel the role of bad cop. That is, while the Bibi will scream at the Congress: gimme, gimme, gimme because we're dying out here; Zakaria will calmly reassure the Jewish rank and file that Israel is not dying, and their continued support will not be in vain.

The way that Zakaria does this is to pick on something Netanyahu says; something that would indicate he is fearful Israel has become vulnerable, and correct him by dropping the two magical abracadabras: (1) “The armies of Israel's adversaries are in disarray, while the Israeli army has become the region's superpower,” and (2) Israel has a powerful deterrent, as many as 200 nuclear warheads, many of them on submarines.” He dropped them in his latest article as he has in every article he authored since being made to play this role.

You can see Zakaria do that in the article he wrote under the title: “Will Israel miss its moment?” published on May 7, 2015 in the Washington Post. It is neither an accident nor a coincidence that so many things are converging at the same time in the Middle East. It is that the drama of a new order is approaching its climax with the promise that the denouement will be expressed as a happy ending with an Israel that is left out in the cold like a wino-pauper that's looking at the window of an upscale store at Christmas time.

Like drama that was written by a master, the events concerning the Middle East have taken a turn so unexpected, it is almost like watching a movie where you see the hunting dogs stop, turn around and run in the opposite direction; a move that prompts the horse riders to stare at what's coming, and do likewise. Finally, you get to see what is coming; it is a fox that has grown to the size of a hungry looking dinosaur. This is the story of what used to be virtuous America now exposed as the biggest sponsor of terrorism – sponsoring the murderous activities of Israel; recognized as the only terrorist state on the planet.

And you realize that the reason why this is happening at this time is because the Jews have been whispering in the ears of a mentally retarded Congress how to help Israel suck the blood of America so that the Jews may protect the country from the Arabs and the Muslims who wish to harm it because it is free and they hate freedom.

But instead of America being protected, what happened instead was that the Americans were hit by one surprise after the other as they watched a handful of Muslim kids mutate from goons patrolling the back-alleys of Third World towns to a Caliphate-size state that has managed to develop more influence among America's youngsters than America ever had among the Muslim nations.

And now that the same Jews have instructed their Jewish and gentile proxies to go around and advise the Americans to the effect that: “it is better to fight them over there than be forced to fight them over here,” the time has come to remind the Americans that the natural process of mutation will once again surprise them as they watch the current order of Arab militias re-invent itself, adapt to the new circumstances and go after America like never before. So here is my reminder: You know nossing about za mutation effect. Learn about it before you listen to za Yews.

Instead of finishing off the militias over there, recent history indicates that the chances are greater the movement of these kids will grow to something bigger still, at which time they will come after America in greater numbers with a greater ability to harm it seriously.

The best way to end this nightmare is to stop motivating the young of this world to join such movements. And the way to do this is to prevent the mouth of a Jew from coming close to your ear, intent on whispering in it the chant of death that has been plaguing mankind for centuries.