Thursday, May 7, 2015

If only he had a higher IQ, or does he?

Look at this passage: “there is such a thing as self-restraint … but it shouldn't be the self-restraint of fear. Pamela Geller is a bomb-thrower, but only a metaphorical, not a literal, one. That's the difference between her and her enemies – and between civilization and barbarism.” This is what Rich Lowry wrote; but he lacked the IQ to realize that the notion he articulated was but a small part of a larger package he failed to see. Or did he?

Lowry who is the editor of National Review Online (NRO), wrote: “Americans Have a Right to Insult Islam,” and published it on May 5, 2015. The article discusses the events that took place in Texas when Pamela Geller staged an event that motivated two young Muslim Americans who were so offended by the theme of the event, they tried to attack it but were shot dead by a security guard hired to protect the gathering.

Lowry makes the point that the difference between Geller and her enemies is the same as that between civilization and barbarism. Well, there is no denial that this linkage forms some kind of a package, but it is the small package that diverts attention from the larger one – the massive package that seems to have eluded Rich Lowry. Or did it?

It is surprising to see that the editor of a publication which has carried numerous articles linking the expression of antisemitism with violence done to the Jews, would fail to see that anti-Islamic expressions will have the same effect on Muslims. And if it was good enough to muzzle the “anti-Semites” for decades, it must be good enough to muzzle the anti-Muslims now, or at least ask them to tone down their rhetoric ... rather that shout they have the right to insult Islam as did Rich Lowry in his article.

But if this reality has (deliberately or absent-mindedly) eluded the editor of NRO and those like him who publish and edit many of the North American print and audio-visual publications, it could not have eluded the Muslims who live on this continent, and those who live elsewhere in this interconnected world.

When day after day, dozens of English articles and talk shows carry the message that Islam is evil; and when night after night, thousands of Muslims are murdered as they sleep in their homes, the young Muslims who survive this Judeo-Christian killing orgy, are bound to take matters in their own hands, and try to defend their kinfolks in any way they can.

And if what these kids do can be called barbarism, what the Judeo-Christian air forces do to provoke it must be seen as a million times more barbaric. Logic and a little bit of intelligence should tell you that when you have more than a billion and a half Muslims in the world, you cannot destroy Iraq then relentlessly advocate the destruction of Iran, and not see a few Muslim kids rise up and challenge those who bring a never ending stream of holocausts to their families and their people.

Having wondered what it is that Rich Lowry lacked: a high enough Intelligence Quotient or the necessary presence of mind, you now stumble on a passage in the article which comes close to answering your question. Here it is: “That prospect didn't stop CNN from interrogating Geller … The implicit assumption was that Geller and her cohorts were as much of a problem as the fanatics who planned to censor them at the barrel of a gun.”

Do you know what this is, my friend? It is the signature that says: This is Jewish morality through and through. It began when Fox News came on the air that a network started to push what it calls the “mainstream media” to report on events the way that Fox News does: from the Jewish/Israeli point of view. A number of publications, such as NRO (that used to be mainstream) followed the advice and started, in turn, to push or at least criticize the other outlets (such as CNN and the New York Times) for not being Jewish enough … even though they are very Jewish already.

This being an odd thing to do in a place that calls itself democratic, Lowry felt it necessary to turn reality upside down. He wrote: “In today's circumstances, criticism of Islam is at the vanguard of the fight for free speech.” No Rich; no Sir. You're all wet when you talk like that. Islam is not at the vanguard of that fight; the Jews are now and have been for half a century. And they have the power to shut you up that's a million times greater than the power the Muslim kids could ever muster.

I know. I've been battling Jewish censorship for half a century; and let me tell you they are beastly. Wake up, kid.