Sunday, February 7, 2016

A hidden Agenda under every UN Chair

First, let it be known that when a legislative body such as the Congress of the United States or any other, creates an institution, it oversees said institution and when necessary tells it to change course … or else.

Second, let it be known that by the power vested in it by all of humanity, the United Nations and its adjunct, the Security Council, make-up a legislative body that is mandated to serve humanity.

Third, let it be known that the Security Council is the body that created the so-called nation state of Israel, and is responsible for its daily conduct and general behavior.

Fourth, let it be known that Israel is the only entity in history that has criminally usurped an entire nation. It usurped Palestine, occupied it and embarked on a program to annex it piece by piece.

Fifth, let it be known that occupation is an ongoing act of war which gives the victims the right to defend themselves by any means they have at their disposal. Moreover, every hostile act committed by the aggressor – pretending to defend the self or otherwise – is considered an act of war or a war crime or a crime against humanity.

In consequence of the above truths, let it be known that the Secretary General of the United Nations has the mandate and the duty to see to it that Israel is forced to behave in accordance with the rules set forth by the will of humanity … or else.

That said, let us now review the article which came under the title: “The hidden agenda behind the UN chief's Israel-bashing,” written by Benny Avni and published on February 3, 2016 in the New York Post.

The first thing that the author does is speculate: “UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon seems intent on using his last year in office to increase UN pressure on Israel.” So the question to ask is this: Why is he speculating? And the answer is that he is preparing to attribute self-serving motives to the Secretary-General. It's a trick often used by lawyers when they know that their case has no legs to stand on.

In fact, those motives are discussed near the end of Avni's article, expressed in these words: “Now there's a legacy to think of, a Nobel Prize to chase. Also, the 71-year old Ban is widely believed to be planning a campaign for South Korea's presidency next year.” He goes on: “In his last year, he must have some major diplomatic breakthroughs … Joining the anti-Israel pile-on is the next best thing”. That is, Avni accuses Ban Ki-moon of bashing Israel because this will help him win the Nobel Prize and become President of South Korea.

Does this reveal anything that might help us understand what's going on? Yes it does, but not in the way that the author intended. It reveals that Benny Avni is another Jew that's infected by a disease called “Jewish moral dyslexia.” It is a blisteringly debilitating illness that the Jews suckle with their mothers' milk. Its effect is so ravaging to the perceptive abilities of the patient, the Jews have managed to make enemies of an America that has kept Israel afloat through the decades. They did so by attributing similar kind of self-serving motives to the President of the United States and to his Secretary of State. That's in addition to making bitter enemies of a United Nations that created Israel in the first place, and is responsible for its behavior.

The situation that the Jews are unable to straighten out in their dyslexic brain boils down to the following:

First of all, when the soldiers and airmen of Israel go into Palestinian territories, surprise the civilians in their beds and kill them, the dyslexic Jews do not consider such act to be military terrorism, but blame the casualties on the Palestinian civilian “combatants.” They justify their conduct by saying that the Palestinian civilians who tried to defend the family with bare hands are responsible for what happened because they should have known that the Israelis were coming. Therefore, they should have separated themselves from the family and waited in the open for the Israeli air force to come and bomb them into kingdom come.

Second of all, when the Jewish military goes into Palestinian territory, occupy it and temporarily pacify it by stripping the indigenous population of weapons it could use to resist the occupation, the dyslexic Jews consider the state of war to have ended, and  that any resistance by the Palestinians will be considered – not legitimate self-defense, but – an act of terrorism. In consequence of this, the government of Israel sends hordes of Jewish civilians to go loot Palestinians properties, expecting the latter to welcome the Jews or sit quietly and watch the horror unfold.

This being the reality that Jewish pundits such as Benny Avni are facing, they do what the Jews always do; and that is to dig a hole and turn it into a sea of ambiguities, double-talk and contradictions. They do so by filling it with quotes, definitions, excerpts and what have you. They call the whole sordid mess Jewish moral clarity and use it to conclude that they have clear vision, whereas humanity is all screwed up.

And then they wonder why they have always been the odd man out.