Monday, February 22, 2016

An actual Case as utilitarian as Fiction

Do you know what the utility of fiction is? It is that you can tackle taboo subjects in depth without worrying about the politically correct restrictions which society places on you.

Fiction does not have to be a complete novel or a film script to be effective. In fact, we use fictional fibs in our daily lives to communicate ideas that would be offensive if we expressed them directly. One of the forms we use to express such fibs is the metaphor. In this case, we use human characters or animals or inanimate objects to represent an actual situation, thus tell a story that may include a biting punchline, without worrying about offending someone.

Now imagine someone telling you the story of the relationship he has with someone else not realizing that everything he says applies to you as well. Whereas he sees that someone is a jerk for not letting him make an indecent proposal to his wife, you think of yourself being a jerk in his eyes for not letting him make an indecent proposal to your wife. And you didn't know it … till now.

That's the emotional experience you'll sail through if you're an American, and you read the article that came under the title: “France's Relentless Hostility to the Jewish State,” written by the French Jewish author Guy Milliere ... translated into English and published on the website of Gatestone Institute on February 18, 2016. After reading each sentence you'll exclaim: That's what these people are trying to do to France! And then realize: Oh my God, that's what they are doing to us Americans because we let them.

Look what Milliere complains about: “No French journalist or politician mentioned International Holocaust Remembrance Day.” Look what else he is unhappy about: “Every newspaper article and politician's speech in France was about the contracts French companies could sign with Iran.” Is that enough to boil your blood? Brace yourself because there is more: “Iran was presented as a 'reliable ally' in the fight against ISIS … France's willful blindness is characteristic of general attitude of France toward Israel.” In the view of the Jews, it should always be about Israel and never about France or someone else.

There is more of that sort of stuff in the article. By the time you've read it all, you'll have realized that the Jews will not tolerate you having good relations with them and someone else simultaneously. They'll put you on the spot and force you to choose between them and that someone. If you insist on being friendly to both or you choose the other over them, they'll accuse you of antisemitism. Now you know where the tsunami of hate and incitement you see in the American media comes from.

The result of your action, they warn, will be that you'll do what France did when it adopted an “Arab policy.” This was the move that allowed the creation of close ties between France and the Arab and Muslim worlds. The aim of the policy was to make certain that France will retain influence with those people. What came of it is this: “France provided financial and economic help to Algeria in exchange for the use of a naval base.” That brought about the domino effect: “France maintained close ties with Tunisia and Morocco, and established close relation with the Arab league.” The effect may have been virtuous for those nations but was vicious for Israel.

Can it get worse for Israel and the Jews? Yes it can. In matters of foreign policy, “to please its Arab friends, France imposed an arms embargo on Israel … during the Yom Kippur War, it refused landing rights to U.S. military planes flying to Israel [also directly into the Sinai] … It developed close ties with the PLO … It received Arafat and granted him all the honors reserved for a head of state … it treated him in a French military hospital … it supported the creation of a Palestinian state.” As to the future, “France intends to create a National Museum of Palestine in Ramallah”. What a horrifying thought! Can you believe that someone is capable of doing all this?

As to the domestic scene, France's “Arab policy” has allowed the establishment of Islamic organizations. “Two training centers for imams are funded by the government. Many of the imams preach in prisons and the 'no-go' zones … Each mosque is free to choose its imam.” Worse, “the Muslim vote is now an important factor in French politicians' decisions.” Here then, what used to be a Jewish exclusive privilege has become a Muslim privilege.

Believe it or not, France did not stop there, whines the author of the article. It worked to drag all of Europe into the demonic scheme of diverting some of the Continent's love from Israel to the Arab causes. To this end, France developed the “Euro-Arab dialogue that began with the Arab League and never stopped … inaugurating a Permanent Mission Office in Brussels to increase cooperation with the European Union”.

All this brings us to Israel's interests. It is that France's disregard for the interests of the Jewish concoction “is more than simple willful blindness. It is complicity.” Milliere goes on to conclude that “France is the main enemy of Israel in the Western world.” The proof is that “it wanted to organize a major conference to relaunch the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.” It also backed a UN resolution demanding the “end of Israeli occupation” and the creation of a Palestinian state.

That leads Guy Milliere to observe that “France's anti-Israel relentlessness can only be seen as the latest extension of France's centuries old anti-Semitism,” And he warns: “French hostility is more present and malignant than ever.” The evidence is that a group of French ambassadors published a manifesto to “save the Palestinian State.” They denounced “fifty years of military and police occupation by Israel, Jewish colonization of Palestinian territories, the shadow of the Holocaust that inhibits Europe, and the apartheid policy of Israel.” It cannot get more comprehensive than that.

Having seen all that, my friend, stop for a moment and think. Ask yourself: Were similar demands made on America's politicians? Of course they were. Did any of that go out to the public? No, it did not. In fact, if it did, it would have been stopped long ago. But the Jews made sure that the censorship they imposed on America for half a century was as tight as what you see in North Korea today. They did not call it Jewish dictatorship; they called it Jewish sensitivities.

The end result is that indecent proposals of the political kind have become the norm in America. The Jew does not even have to make the proposal in person. When he gets the hots, those in the Congress and elsewhere know it is time to get romantic with our “reliable ally in the Middle East”.