Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Too mentally battered to be compatible

If you want to know why more and more human beings come to believe that there is no solution to the Jewish problem but the final solution, the editors of the New York Daily News tell you why.

They make the point that the Jewish leaders batter “their people” so thoroughly and so relentlessly, they render them incompatible to living in peace with the human race. The point comes out clearly in the piece that was written by the editors of the Daily News under the title: “UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon knifes Israel,” published on February 1, 2016.

Without a military that's equipped with warplanes, attack helicopters, tanks or field guns to protect them, the Palestinians whose land and homes have been invaded and occupied by Jews whose military is equipped with warplanes, attack helicopters, tanks and field guns – have started to fight back with bare hands, stones, kitchen utensils and what have you.

For half a century, the Jews banged their heads against the wall, pulled their hair off their skulls, beat their breasts like a jungle ape, hollered their entrails out of their bellies and cried out that instead of being thankful that the Jews are robbing them, the Palestinians are now – after three generations of occupation – expressing their discontent by taking action. How ungrateful can they be?

And when the Secretary General of the United Nations tried to explain to those Jews that human beings everywhere do not like being occupied, the Jews at the New York Daily News responded by banging their heads against the wall, pulling their hair off their skulls, beating their breasts like a jungle ape, and hollering their entrails out of their bellies. They are outraged. They are aching.

And the world looks at that spectacle, and looks at many spectacles like it repeated everywhere there is a Jew that's posing as a leader of the so-called Jewish people – and shakes its head in disbelief. Here they are, after four thousand years of pogroms and holocausts, the Jews continue to convert normal human beings from every race and every ethnic origin on the planet to an ideology of hate, fear, destruction and the lust for human blood.

And when someone remarks that enough is enough, the Jewish leaders make it so that slowly but surely, people everywhere on the planet come to accept the premise that there may never be a solution to the Jewish problem but the final solution.

The principles of territorial integrity and the right to self-defense have been the two legs upon which peace among the nations of the world has always rested. The Jews violated the territorial integrity of Palestine, and have maintained the violation for half a century. Now, after three generations of occupation the Palestinians who grew up under the occupation and know how hard that is, said they have had enough.

When the world responded that the Palestinians had the right to display anger and frustration, the Jews attacked the world by attacking Ban Ki-Moon who represents the international community. Mind you, the Palestinians are not attacking the Jews with waves of air sorties that can cause large scale collateral damage, they are not carpet bombing the Jews, and they are not sending them back into the Stone Age. No.

All that the Palestinians are doing is catch Jewish thieves in their homes, and chase them out using a kitchen utensil or whatever. And when the Jews come at them with tanks and armored carriers, the Palestinians throw rocks at the vehicles. Because these vehicles carry the soldiers of occupation, the Jewish leaders in America weep and moan: “They throw stones at our soldiers. Oh! Pity me, pity me.” Those icons of victimhood.

And when Ban Ki-Moon says that the Palestinians have the right to complain, the Jewish leaders in America accuse him of knifing Israel. And humanity looks at that and cries out: We shall not shed one tear if someone brings about the final solution because we too have had it up to here with these Jews.

If there is a ray of hope that the Jews can be saved from themselves, it rests with the Jewish rank and file who will not want to see their descendants culled into gas chambers or fried into ovens – to insist that they be heard in the halls of Congress and the mainstream media so that they may push back against the savages who run the likes of the New York Daily News and other similar publications.