Monday, February 8, 2016

A Method by which to test cultural Toxicity

The Jewish hate machine has gone into overdrive. It is warning that the Muslims fleeing the Jewish-induced wars now raging in the Middle East to settle in Europe are contaminating the cultures of that continent and will eventually bring their toxic brew to America.

You can see an example of that kind of thrust in the article which came under the title: “The failure of multiculturalism” and the subtitle: “National leaders are closing their eyes to Islam's refusal to assimilate.” It was written by Cal Thomas and published on February 3, 2016 in The Washington Times. There are two questions to pose at this point: What have the Jews done to North America? What else are they trying to do now?

America's New Conservatives (Neocons) will tell you that the Jews in North America followed the established pattern of starting their sojourn on the new continent as liberals, and then turned conservative when they felt they were established. We assume there is some truth to that, but it does not answer either of the above questions. The Jews may have shared that pattern with the other cultures but they brought to North America something that no one else did. In fact, they brought three things: exclusivity, tampering and imposition.

They said that as Jews, they had unique sensitivities shared by no other group. For this reason, they must be given unfettered access to the media of the nation so that they may “educate” the public on these sensitivities. The positive impact on society, they said, will be that such arrangement will foster understanding between the various cultures and religions. Who would object to that? Well, the Jews were given what they asked for at the exclusion of everyone else … something they made sure came with the package.

Once they had that tool in hand, the Jews turned it into a weapon that packed a power capable of marginalizing the other cultures, including the American establishment that welcomed them and was hosting them. It is that the Jews tampered with America's legislative and executive powers, mobilizing them to serve their interests, which included the welfare of a foreign entity named Israel.

In almost total control of life in North America by now, the Jews have attempted to impose their will on the continent; and they continue the effort to this day. They also try to use the power, prestige and good standing enjoyed by the nations of the continent to impose their will on the rest of the world, specially the Middle East. Thus, it is the measurement of exclusivity, tampering and imposition which are the manifestations providing the best method by which to test the level of toxicity that an incoming culture may have on its host.

After half a century of Jewish machinations of that kind, America finds itself greatly diminished nationally where it is totally paralyzed except when serving the interests of the Jews. That would be the moment when the country comes to life and becomes agitated like a rabbit at mating time. America also finds itself diminished internationally where it is viewed by the world as capable of doing nothing but pimp for Israel and be useless to everyone else.

Things are beginning to change, however ... unexpectedly to those who were not paying attention. The saying: be careful what you wish for because you may get it, seems to apply to what the Jews have managed to concoct. They destroyed the old American culture but had nothing to replace it with. They decapitated a number of Middle Eastern regimes, but had no way to contain the forces they unleashed. That's what they wished for; that's what is worrying them now.

But did they learn anything? Are they reversing course or slowing down? No, they are not. If anything, they seem to double down on their effort to continue transforming North America into a Jewish backwater. In Canada, they came to within a hair at turning the schools into Jewish madrassas where the Holocaust and related programs would be taught at the expense of everything else. Canada being the soft underbelly of America, the Jewish experiment would have served as a dry run for its eventual application in the United States.

If you want to know how this would have transformed the North American Continent, study the article that came under the title: “Thousands of ill-educated yeshiva boys,” written by Naftuli Moster and published on February 7, 2016 in the New York Daily News.

When you're done reading that article, try to imagine what the future of your children, Canada, the United States and the world would have looked like. And then resolve that you will let your leaders know you can no longer tolerate them getting elected for the sole purpose of pimping for the Jews and for Israel.