Monday, September 12, 2016

A fishing Expedition in the wrong Lake

The brain dead zombies of the American Congress have just told the world something new about themselves. They are the most cowardly zombies that come out of the ground in the middle of the night and terrorize an otherwise cheerful and peaceful planet.

When given an order by their Jewish masters to do something they know in their guts is the wrong thing to do, many of the zombies do not show up to vote on the proposed legislation. Those who do are spared the roll call that would have required them to stand up and be counted the way that brain-ticking non-zombies do things. Instead of that, the brain-dead are asked to shout “yea” or “no” on the legislation. Some say “yeah” whereas those who might have wanted to say “no” remain silent. This allows the Jewish bosses to tell the world that the American Congress has unanimously approved the Jewish legislation.

This is what happened with regard to a law that will allow people to sue in American courts a foreign government they allege has given aid to terrorists that kill or maim on American soil. The target for now is Saudi Arabia which was proven over the past 15 years to be innocent of such accusations. It was so proven once again by the release of previously classified 28 pages in the commission report that investigated the event.

Bob Graham, who was co-chair of the committee that wrote the report and knew all along what was in it, played the typical role that zombies play when manipulated by Jewish puppeteers: he kept whining that the 28 pages should be released. He did so to give the impression there was something revealing in them. But when the government released those pages and there was nothing in them to show Saudi culpability, Graham turned around and did something else. What he did was to basically say America must now go on a fishing expedition.

Bob Graham did that in an article he wrote under the title: “Release More 9/11 Records,” published on September 9, 2016 in the New York Times. To give legitimacy to that demand, he wrote: “Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said that the document had ruled out any Saudi involvement in the attack. ‘The matter is now finished,' he declared.” So Graham added: “But it is not finished ... Questions remain unanswered ... It is time for our government to release more documents.” That was the call to do Jewish style fishing.

Why do the puppeteers consider this to be important? Well, now that the zombies have voted “unanimously” to pass the legislation, the editors of the New York Daily News are celebrating the possibilities. In so doing, they reveal what they – who are honchos in the Jewish group of puppeteers – are after. They made the revelation in a piece they wrote under the title: “Justice delayed in letting American victims of terror get their day in court,” published on September 11, 2016 in the Daily News.

The editors say the following about a case that did not make it through the courts: “An Appeals court threw out a judgment for killing Americans in Israel – claiming those attacks fell outside the jurisdiction of the law.” And they say the following about the legislation just passed by the zombies: “Because it's only in court that key documents can be discovered … legal discovery might reveal more”.

This being the way that things are done in Third World kangaroo courts, the puppeteers know they will win in the America they have been remaking for five decades. But they also know that winning a judgment they cannot enforce will not make them rich. They have something else in mind, however. Having once tried a trick that did not even get them into a courtroom, they now believe they have a better chance at trying that same trick. What they tried previously was to falsely accuse the Arab countries of confiscating Jewish properties, and proposing that they do a swap between these fictitious properties and the for-all-to-see looting that the Jews are relentlessly doing in occupied Palestine.

When they made that proposal, they were met with a big yawn from the world, even from the congressional puppets under their control. So why do they believe they have a better chance now? Actually they don't. But there is a stealthy trend they have also been working on for decades. It is to make America do the things that cause the world to ostracize it, a move that allows them to control the superpower better. They estimate that the new law will help them even more in this regard.

And there is still more to consider because something new has cropped up only a few days ago. It is that Iran won a judgment adjudicated by an international court against Israel. It pertains to a jointly owned pipeline that was built in Israel during the reign of the Shah. For a number of decades, Iran has not received the royalties it is owed, and the court said Israel must pay. When the amounts are tallied up, Israel will be on the hook for something like 10 or 15 billion dollars.

The puppeteers manipulating the Congress will most certainly order it not to yawn this time when the Jews will come and ask it to stand behind a swap they will propose between what Israel owes Iran and what the Jews will claim Iran owes them – whatever fictitious debt they will claim Iran has incurred.

Now, my friend, when you consider that the world does not obey the Jews or the Americans, but tends to retaliate for the dumb things they do, think of what everyone else will ask when conducting their own discovery. They will ask America's representatives questions like: What do you mean by all options are on the table? Why does it say in the platforms of both parties that America will maintain Israel's superiority in armament? Why did America try to cyber-sabotage Iranian nuclear installations? How much help has America given Israel, enabling it to murder Arab and Iranian scientists in Iran, Dubai and other places? Why did America launch the cruise missile that destroyed a baby formula plant in Sudan? How much do you think America owes the families of innocent civilians murdered by drones? Think of the follow-up questions and the subpoenas that will result.

And think of the questions they will ask of the Judeo-Israeli representatives. They might go something like this: How much do you think you owe the Arab countries in whose capitals you blew-up America's embassies in a criminal terrorist effort to drive a wedge between the Arabs and America? How much do you think you and the Americans that arm you owe Lebanon and Gaza for the crimes you have committed there, and for the air and sea blockade you are maintaining on Gaza?

The Beltway zombies that voted “unanimously” for the idiotic legislation will eventually learn that they allowed their Jewish masters to fish in the wrong lake. In so doing, they also allowed everyone else to fish in the correct lake where American and Israeli fishes of misconduct grow the size of whales.

It used to be that when the zombies betrayed the Jews, they got punished. When they betrayed their own constituents, they got re-elected. By the time this story is fully revealed to the public, the zombies will want to take the punishment of the Jews rather than face the wrath of their constituents.