Saturday, September 24, 2016

Muted Panic throbbing the Heart of Zion

If you had any doubt that the horror you're witnessing in the Middle East can be attributed to a handful of Jewish barbarians constantly inciting the mindless bigwigs of America to adopt the politics of destruction and mayhem, you'll shed your doubt when you see what two of those barbarians have done lately.

One barbarian is Lee Smith who wrote: “Bibi Takes his Case Against a Palestinian State To the Internet,” published on September 21, 2016 in the Weekly Standard. The other is Benny Avni who wrote: “When global villains write 'international law,'” published on September 22, 2016 in the New York Post.

On the surface, the writers seem to have written about two different subjects, but in reality, the articles were fed by one and the same idea. To understand this part, we need to recall a little of the relevant historical background. Because the Jewish religion is based on the belief that everything is preordained, the Jews reject the principle of personal responsibility, and attribute what they do to the will of God. The same does not always apply to gentiles, however, because – if not influenced by God – they would be influenced by the devil.

This is but one precept in the Jewish system of beliefs. An accompanying precept is none other than the stories of the Old Testament which are considered to be an authentic history of the Jewish people. The Jews see in them not a mythology, but a God that became their military general; one that led them interminably to attack and conquer enemy after enemy. This held true even when those they attacked were never their enemies.

Armed with those ideas, and having paid a heavy price at the hand of the Europeans precisely because of the way they behaved, the Jews fled to Palestine and put into effect the precepts of their system. They considered all their neighbors to be enemies, and attacked them in the belief that they were obeying God's commands … that they were doing his work.

The Jews of Israel made initial gains that convinced them they were on the right track. In turn, they convinced the Jews of America they should all join hands and work together to accomplish great things. The latter accepted the idea and started sending their surplus money to Israel. They also lobbied the American government to hand the purse of America's taxpayers to the Israelis, and open the superpower's armory to Israel's earth-bound generals. Alas, that time proved to be the euphoric years that eventually became Israel's worst enemy.

What happened was that the Arab neighbors of Israel woke up to the idea that the Jews will keep attacking them and looting them as long as they remain weak, and can be taken by surprise. Thus, they prepared themselves in such a way as never to be surprised again. They even counter-attacked Israel, took back most of what the Jews had stolen from them, and served notice that never again means never will the Jews get away with murder again in the Middle East.

The Jews of Israel who must live with that reality got the message and began to doubt the validity of their biblical precepts. Unfortunately this was not the case with the Jews of America. A new crop of Jewish leaders rose in Israel and saw that the entity they created can survive only if they forge an accommodation with their neighbors instead of fighting them. Concurrently, a new crop of Jewish leaders rose in America, and warned of financial retaliation if Israel became a normal nation and stopped looting its neighbors.

The result of the ensuing tug of war was that one Israeli leader was assassinated. This served notice that the new crop of settlers from America will not tolerate the old guard's drive for peace. The settlers also anointed the American raised and American educated Netanyahu to take the helm and govern Israel according to their edicts. Netanyahu played their game as long as they maintained America's purse open to Israel. When he sensed that this arrangement was coming to an end, he started to play a different game.

This is what prompted Smith and Avni to write the articles they did. Smith tackled the subject matter from an angle considered by the barbarians of America to be the heart of the Zionist movement. He did not like what he heard President Obama say, but tried to temper its meaning so as not to jolt the Jewish rank-and-file. He put it this way: “It could have been worse for Israel with Obama [uttering] Israel cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land. It was a relatively anodyne phrase.” The rest of the article is nothing but a serenade lauding the accomplishments of Israel and Netanyahu while damning America and Obama.

As to Benny Avni, he repeated the satanic narrative of the Jews which goes this way: The people of Palestine lost the right to their properties because when the Jewish squatters came from Europe to share the premises, the other Arab nations – such as Morocco, Sudan, Yemen and so on – did not welcome the Jews or hug them or kiss them. This gives the Jews the right to punish the Palestinians by confiscating their properties. Thus, the Palestinians who are not happy should take their concerns to the Arab nations which are, after all, responsible for what happened to them.

Here is how Avni reformulated that narrative: “Abbas urged diplomats to study Israeli violations of 'the preamble of Resolution 181, Paragraph C.' That's the 1947 UN 'partition plan' that proposed Arab and Jewish states in Palestine. Never mind that the resolution was opposed by the Arabs, and accepted by the Zionists”.

Conclusion: the occupation should continue; Palestinian properties should be looted piece by piece whether or not America continues to pay for this ongoing crime against humanity.

It remains to be seen what Netanyahu will do next. Will he transform the Israeli entity into a normal nation? Or will he laugh at the world and cry out: I conned you again; am I a real clown or what?