Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Stunning Shallowness from a Man of 'Depth'

When you go back in history to the Dark Ages – sometimes referred to as the Middle Ages or Medieval Times – and you study what the “edified” people of the era were saying and doing, you can only be stunned by how superficial these people were, yet how serious the consequences of what they decided.

You wonder: How could this have happened? You ask the question not realizing that we are living similar moments right now, though the issues we face are somewhat different. If you want proof, take a look at the article which came under the title: “It's time We Faced the Facts about the Muslim World,” written by David French and published on September 19, 2016 in National Review Online.

David French is said to be a man of depth, a modern equivalent to the sages that used to gather at the “round tables” in the castles of the medieval bigwigs. They used to discuss topics as grave and important as the number of angels that can be made to dance on the head of a pin. David French has also chosen to play the numbers game but without citing actual numbers or how they break down … which renders the discussion on this topic moot. The thing, however, is that he asks the people on the Left a question that turns out to reveal the extent of his shallowness. It is this: “Why exclude America's worst terror attack [9/11] when calculating the terror threat?” The man just made an error of logic.

The fact is that 9/11 was al-Qaeda's declaration of war on America, not just an act of terror. It was one in the string of wars that began with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, followed by Reagan's recruitment of al-Qaeda to fight the Soviets, followed by America's abandonment of its ally after the victory, followed by America's unprovoked attack on Iraq, followed by America's “occupation” of Saudi Arabia, followed by Al-Qaeda's 9/11 response to America's double-crossing and its hard-to-hide war on Islam.

Without realizing what he is saying, David French goes on to admit that this string of wars has been won by America because “of the fact that it is now ISIS and al-Qaeda strategy to inspire lone wolves.” He just called the two organizations junior varsity that can no longer mount a war against America, the reason why they opted for a version of the Tokyo Rose style incitement from a distance. This does not rise to the level of guerrilla skirmishes against the American homeland, and certainly not the level of a 9/11 act of war.

Faced with that reality on the ground, but eager to paint a picture that fits the current political narrative, David French relies on something else to make his points. He says that the Pew Foundation has discovered the following: “More than 100 million Muslims have expressed sympathy for terrorists such as Osama bin Laden or for barbaric groups such as ISIS. Hundreds of millions more express support for the most intolerant forms of Sharia law. Jihadis have been able to recruit hundreds of thousands of fighters to deploy against Americans, Israelis, and our Muslim allies”.

The response to that situation, he says, is to let the internal Muslim debate take its course. A good idea. But he goes on to make a second error in logic. It is this: “[It's] important that we double down on our support for proven Muslim allies. The Kurds, for example, are perhaps our most stalwart allies. The current Egyptian regime is a declared enemy of the Muslim Brotherhood, and its president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, has called for a 'religious revolution' within Islam”.

If only the man knew what he was talking about. The truth is that surveys taken by the likes of the Pew Foundation are good for the trash can and nothing else. David French should have realized this much because he had all the relevant information that says so. For example, he mentions the situation in Egypt where the people voted for the Muslim Brotherhood. By the time a year had passed, they had seen where the party was taking the country. They did not like what they were seeing, especially in the economy, and wanted an end to the Brotherhood's administration. Refusing to wait for the end of the mandate before throwing the rascals out, they asked the army to do the job now, and the army obliged.

This means that surveys taken of the people before the election and a year after it, would have shown different results. A pollster such as the Pew would have falsely interpreted the result before the election to mean that the people were in favor of the things they actually rejected a year later. What's important to remember also is that the people vehemently opposed the tolerance that the Brotherhood exhibited toward the foreign interference in Egyptian affairs. And this is a reality that escaped David French.

No, Islam does not have a serious problem; it has a normal problem such as that which all nations experience once in a while. America too has a normal problem, but it is one that is compounded by too many pundits advising it too many things that make no sense.