Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The hell with correctness; I tell it like it is

There is a saying that recurs in many languages and comes in different versions. Some versions would be considered politically correct (PC) and some would not. One that is a borderline case goes like this: Respect them and they'll urinate all over you; urinate all over them and they'll respect you.

Mindful of the reality that the more the Jewish pundits urinate all over America, the more the American Congress respects them, Benjamin Netanyahu made the mistake of believing that he can treat the world the same way that he treats the toilet of 29 standing ovations. He stood before a nearly empty General Assembly of the United Nations the other day, and treated it the way that a pissing dog treats the rug at the White house.

Netanyahu started his speech by correctly predicting: “What I'm about to say is going to shock you.” The reality is that he said some very shocking things, but they were not of the type that the world had in mind. Whereas the world thought for a second he'll announce the end of Israel's habit of pissing on the UN resolutions and running like a rat to hide behind America's boots, he chose to shock the world with the following statement: “Israel has a bright future at the UN”.

Here too, the world expected to hear Netanyahu say that Israel had seen the light and had decided to join the human race, but he chose to disappoint everyone again and again throughout the speech. Rather than reject the idea of antagonizing the world and perennially look for compensation and handouts to feed his “people,” he chose to attack the UN expecting respect in return. It is that he was powered by the mentality which motivates the Jewish pundits whose attacks on America and its President earn them the respect they crave from the good-for-nothing Congress.

Netanyahu called the UN General Assembly disgraceful, the UN Human Rights Council a joke, and the entire UN organization a farce. He did so believing that this attitude will make the members love Israel so much, they will accept it as is, and reserve a bright future for it in their midst. So you ask yourself: Notwithstanding the bordello that is the axis of Jewish-pundits/Congressional-whores of America, how can someone think like Netanyahu and consider himself to be a functioning human being?

The answer is self delusion. You see, my friend, Netanyahu spoke of Israel having diplomatic relations with over 160 countries of the 200 or so jurisdictions in the world. This would be 80 percent of the world. So you would think that the assembly sitting in front of him was 80 percent full. But that's not what he was seeing. Aside from the full delegations of Israel and the United States, there were only one or two members from a dozen or so other delegations, a handful of journalists, a few guests from New York's Jewish community, and some UN guards. That was not enough to deter the man from imagining a full assembly as well as a fuller and brighter assembly in the future – perhaps one that will give him 29 standing ovations.

And there is more to this man's power of self-delusion. Actually, it is something he inherited from those who came before him. You see, the Jews used to con the English speaking world by telling it they have the right to push the Palestinians into the desert and take their properties because Jewish jewelers, tailors, violin players and synagogue cantors from Eastern Europe had a gift no one else had. Even though they never walked in a farm before, they could stick a finger into the ground and make trees grow in the desert. Like manna from the sky, they imagined the trees producing food that fed the gun-wielding settlers of yesterday.

This was the Jewish self-delusion that also deluded the children of America decades ago. In fact, it is these children who grew up to become today's Congressional bimbos; those that tear the flesh off each others' backs to be first at kissing any Jewish ass that comes trotting into their wretched lobby of shame.

Netanyahu has tried to sell to the whole world what the Jewish pundits have been selling to the English speaking world. He did so claiming that “many seek to benefit from Israel's ingenuity in agriculture, health, water, cyber, the fusion of big data, connectivity and artificial intelligence”.

The problem is that kids from the Third World proved to be better hacks than Israel's cyber professionals who got caught trying to sabotage Iran's nuclear installations. And the world has concluded: If they cannot be good hacks, they can never be security experts. Thus, when Netanyahu says that many seek to benefit from Israel's mastery of cyber matters, he is lying to himself.

By the way, this kind of lies (a flood of them comes out of Israel every day) are but the modern version of the Jew sticking his finger into the ground and making trees grow. They were damned Jewish lies then; they are damned Jewish lies now.