Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Carriers of the Middle Eastern Pathologies

There was a time when a handful of American Jews who wanted to do something for themselves or for Israel could go into the chamber of the House of Representatives in the middle of the night, vote to give themselves the power to pass a resolution without a quorum, pass the resolution that suited them at the time, and tell the world that America's Congress has given away the store to Israel and to the Jews.

These days are gone – most likely never to return – because the sleepy giant that used to be America woke up one day and discovered that he lost not only his shirt but his trousers and his underwear too. He stood naked before a world that laughed at a superpower whose influence was reduced to that of a Third World country while the Jewish pigmy stood beside him wearing the oversized attires and pretending to be a giant in his own right.

The Jews who never give up doing the wrong thing, found a way to modify that game and play it a little differently while seeking to achieve the same old goals. Seeing that their previous plan for the Middle East unfolded in a way they did not expect, they drew up a new plan and started paving the way to execute it. To this end, they created the “Commission on the Eastern Mediterranean, sponsored by University of Haifa and Hudson Institute.” They wrote a 45-page report and started selling it to the American public as the work of a: “blue-ribbon panel, the U.S.–Israeli Commission on the Eastern Mediterranean”.

Two of the ten panelists, Shaul Chorev and Douglas J. Feith, then wrote an article and filled it with extreme views under the title: “Middle Eastern Pathologies Chase after Those Who Run,” and published it in National Review Online on September 5, 2016. When you contrast this article against the full report, you realize that the two panelists used the other eight as a facade to give their message an air of respectability, then broke off and went on to play the game alone. Here is the title of the report's introduction: “Eastern Mediterranean: Always strategic, now in tumultuous transformation.” There is nothing in it about pathologies, or any talk of this kind.

Recalling that Douglas Feith is one of the Holocaust psychos who designed the invasion of Iraq ten years before his team was able to implement it, we ask: What could be worrying him now that he decided to warn America with these words: “Disengaging from the region [Middle East], America would forfeit its ability to shape events”? Why does he want America to rethink its decision to pivot away from the Middle East?

To answer that question is to describe a typical Jewish scenario of the kind that the Jews have been running for more than three thousand years. It is that they always promise the moon to themselves and to the suckers who go along with them, only to see the promise turn into a horror story. Instead of retrenching and rethinking their entire approach to the matter, however, they double down on it and urge the suckers who listened to them previously, to listen to them again and play the same scenario, even if they have to modify it a little.

The Jewish grand design for the Middle East has always consisted of using the might and influence of the big powers to destabilize the nations of the region, thus give the Judeo-Israelis the opportunity to fish in dirty waters. There have been numerous suckers throughout the centuries who went along with the Jews and got burned, but no sucker has been more devout to the Jewish causes than the Americans. Everyone distanced themselves from the Jews after the first experience, except for the Americans who went to the fire again and again.

At first the Jews conned Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union and got him to play their game. After that they turned to Guy Mollet and Anthony Eden of France and Britain respectively. After that they turned to George W. Bush of America. And now, Chorev and Feith are trying to con not only the President of the United States and the Congress, but the entire American population. They believe they will succeed because they control the media, and through it, they can reach everyone in America.

What they want to achieve in the end, is getting America to destroy Syria's air force and Lebanon's Hezbollah. They want this to happen because Israel needs to reoccupy the Eastern Golan before it can implement its grand design for the region.

In fact, it is this grand design that's the real pathology now plaguing the once peaceful Middle East. From the Garden of Eden it used to be, the region was transformed into the hellhole it is today. The transformation happened when the Jews began to infest it with the strain known as the Chorev and Feith disease.