Saturday, September 17, 2016

Did not get it coming, now wants it going

The Jews are known to try and have it both ways all the time. That is, they want it coming and going. One guy that has been extremely active at playing the gimme game on behalf of Israel is Elliott Abrams who believes that the entity is owed everything under the sun, yet has no obligation toward anyone.

In the matter that has just unfolded whereby Israel demanded 50 billion dollars worth of charity from America but got only 38 billion, Abrams was so provoked by the attitude of the Obama administration responsible for what he regards as an infamy, he fumed. And while the smoke was still rushing out his ears, he wrote an article that reflects the scrambled state of his mind and the twisted state of his emotions.

The article came under the title: “'Historic' in the Worst Way” and was published on September 26, 2016 in the Weekly Standard. Abrams opens his presentation like this: “In Israel many observers are saying that Obama did no favors for the Jewish state. That's the conclusion Israeli journalists have all reached. They are right.” With this, the writer lets the readers know that what counts is not what the American Administration wants for America but what Israeli journalists want for Israel from America.

He neglected to say what the Israeli government wants because President Obama made it clear that from now on, Americans will be masters of their own house, and that the Israelis under Netanyahu or anyone else, will have to behave like the supplicants they are. What Abrams did not neglect to perpetuate, however, is the lie that used to be criminally perpetrated on the American people by both the American and Israeli spokesmen.

Here is the true story: Israel used to receive 3.1 billion dollars in charity every year, some of that was delivered as weapons, and the rest was given in cash. In addition, the American congress of idiots use to send it hundreds of millions more to pay for the debt that it owes to foreign banks, to expand the criminal settlements in the occupied territories, and to buy food. But that's not what the American people were told. They were lied to, and made to believe that Israel had a missile program with a black hole for mouth in constant need to be fed with American dollars. That's where the money went, the people were told, and nobody dared to verify the claims.

And so, because President Obama had put an end to that criminal practice, Elliot Abrams tried to revive it and perpetuate it. He explained the following: “The current aid is $3.1 billion; the new one is $3.8 billion but the increase is illusory [because] congress already appropriates hundreds of millions more for Israel's missile defense, raising the base line to $3.5 billion. That means the increase is only $300 million but given inflation, the net result is continuation of the current level”.

As if this was not enough, that awful man, Barack Obama “imposed two additional conditions. First, Israel must spend every dime in the United States, meaning it cannot use the funds to purchase equipment made in Israel. Second, Israel will not go to Congress to seek additional funding under any circumstances,” says Abrams.

The reader can see why the American Administration has wanted to do this. The fact is that taxpayer dollars were pouring into Israel under the guise of keeping it secure, but the money was used to kill Palestinians, confiscate their lands and build settlements for new converts to Judaism that decided to settle in the West Bank upon receiving a cash gift of $25,000. In legal terms, this made America the number one sponsor of terrorism in the world, enabling the most depraved regime on the planet to commit the most hideous crimes since the Hebrew savages of biblical times.

Now, with those two provisions, Israel will get the weapons it needs to defend itself but no cash with which to commit crimes of the kind that the Jewish leaders used to pin on America. The Jews have been playing this game by letting the world know it was America that gave the green light for the operations and financed every one of them; therefore should be held responsible for Israel's actions.

Making the world believe that Israeli crimes were American crimes was not the only game the Jews have been playing. Whereas this one was played on the international scene, another one was played on the local scene. Look how Abrams plays it still: “Obama forced Israel to agree that if Congress appropriates additional funds, Israel will return the money. This constitutes a deliberate undermining of the constitutional power of Congress”.

He says that when the Administration protects America from the rapacity of Jews, it violates the Constitution. It is a dirty game that the Jews played incessantly, and the congressional dummies used to believe them.