Friday, March 9, 2018

A Tale of Frustration and Blackmail

Here is solid proof that the logic of Jewish illogic is rooted in lunacy. And you have Dennis Prager to thank for the opportunity to discover that mainstream Jewish logic is the twin brother of madness. He wrote “Why Christians Support Israel,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “They believe in supporting American allies and supporting countries that share their moral values,” published on March 6, 2018 in National Review Online.

Even if the title and subtitle of the article suggest that Dennis Prager is about to give a dispassionate in-depth analysis of the reasons why Christians support Israel, his words at the start of the article tell that, on the contrary, it's going to be a self-centered and self-promoting, politically motivated speech delivered in written form. The reality is that the rabbi is frustrated at his inability to bring under his wing what is supposed to be his constituent flock and so, he is lashing out.

Here are his starting words: “In speeches to Jews, I point out that many Jews experience cognitive dissonance.” Why is that? Because at the universities, Jews hate Israel, he says. And when it comes to the Jewish view of Christians, they distrust them, he goes on to say. As to the reasons why Jews act the way they do, he explains that some of them believe that the Christians seek to convert them. Other Jews believe that Christians seek to hasten the Second Coming of Jesus by supporting Israel.

Prager refutes those two views by asserting that while Christians always seek to convert others, including the Jews, they do not support Israel for that purpose. The proof, he says, is that there is no proof any Jew has ever converted to Christianity because Christians support Israel. As to the notion that Christians support Israel to hasten the Second Coming of Jesus, Dennis Prager says that Pastor John Hagee says this is not true. But then adds, even if it were true, what's wrong with that?

This settled, Prager sets out to tell why Christians support Israel. He gives two reasons. First, he says: “Christians believe in supporting American allies who share their moral values.” To emphasize the political dimension of this statement, he adds this: “Unlike the Left, they [Christians] have moral problems with Islamism, not with Zionism.” Second, Prager says that Christians support Israel because God said he will “bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse the Jews.” The problem, however, is that Prager failed to explain why to him, the divine promise means that blessing the Jews translates into commanding someone to love Israel, let alone love a genocidal Israel.

Still, Prager moved on and gave examples of countries that mistreated their Jews––even before Israel had existed or was contemplated––and paid a stiff price for their stance. He said that Spain, which used to be a great empire, became irrelevant two generations after it expelled the Jews in the year 1492. And there was Germany, he says, whose Nazis engineered the Holocaust and was beaten badly in the war. Not to forget the Arab and Muslim countries, he says, that remain backward.

But, typical of the Jews who shoot themselves in the foot trying to have it both ways, Prager forgot that the Arab/Muslim condition was supposed to be the result of God's curse, and attributed their backwardness to the mismanagement of their wealth. This is what he said in this regard: “If they were to devote to building their countries the money and energy they devote to [defend against] Israel, they would be better off.” So much for the half-baked theory of a Jew.

And then, you realize that Prager is not saying these things just for fun or to give historical context to the discussion. You begin to believe he has something definite in mind. It is that he wants to use those examples as a warning to someone. But who might that be? Well, look at this passage: “The country that has most praised Israel and the Jews is America … and America has been most uniquely blessed”.

He failed to say that America was so blessed before the Jews migrated to it in droves it was able to beat Imperial Japan, beat the Nazis and save the Jews that survived the Holocaust. He also failed to say that the decline of America happened right after the Jews started to move into America. And he failed to say that America went down from the rank of superpower to that of super-joke in record time listening to Jewish advice.

And here is what Dennis Prager had in mind all along: “The day America abandons Israel will be the beginning of the end of America as we know it.” If you don't believe in this, he goes on to say, you're a fool. Well, my friend, this is nothing less than faith-based blackmail of the Jewish kind. Imagine a non-Jew saying something like that; he’d be in Guantanamo by now.

But if all of that is fake what's the reality of the Christian/Jewish relationship in America?

I already answered this question in an article I published on this site in August of 2008 under the title: “Meal In The Eye Of The Scorpion.” From it, I reprint the three paragraphs answering that question:

“While the two fake religious groups in America are engaged in a metaphorical mating dance, the Christians believe that when the day of the Rapture comes, the Jews will see the light and convert to Christianity. As for the Jews, they believe that on the day the Messiah will reveal himself, the Christians will realize that the Jews are the chosen children of God, preordained to rule over humanity and thus let them rule”.

“In the meantime, knowing what the phony Jews fantasize about, the phony Christians call them the apple of God’s eye to stroke their vanity. But this is an apple they would love to devour because they believe the Jews crucified Jesus who was a Messiah that has come and gone”.

“On the other hand, knowing what the Christians fantasize about, the Jews call them the children of the new promised land to pump them with fake pride but these are children they would love to devour because they believe that the Christians persecuted them throughout history based on the belief that the Jews crucified a Messiah that is yet to come and go”.

This is ten years later, and they are still waiting for the Messiah. No wonder Dennis Prager is doubly frustrated.