Thursday, March 8, 2018

The unreal Story in 700 Words

It is crunch time, my friend, and that's when the truth about Israel is revealed even if it comes out in drips, and comes wrapped in deceptive words, in outright lies and disinformation.

Read Benny Avni's “Iran is pushing Israel into war,” a column in 700 words that was published on March 6, 2018 in the New York Post. That's when you'll learn all about Ali Bibi the Nathan-yahoo that's touring the New York to Washington corridor with his 40 kleptocrats. They are there trying to fool Americans yet again into believing that when America spends trillions of dollars to save Israel's neck, and when it loses thousands of lives doing it, it means Israel is defending America. Get it? If you don't, you need to take a course in Jewish logic.

These characters also want you to believe that for this service, America owes the Jews of Israel billions more in cash, military equipment and diplomatic support … all of which will be used to kill more defenseless Palestinians and rob them of their patrimony. If this does not sound like flawless logic to you, it means that you're too dumb in matters related to Jewish sensitivities to ever get elected anywhere in America.

Avni says that “Police [in Israel] have already recommended a criminal indictment against Bibi the yahoo,” but that's not why he is in America. He is there, says Avni, because he feels challenged by Iran, and he wants America to be wagged like a dog by its Jewish tail … or at least that's what “Israel's critics will likely accuse” him of, laments a despondent Benny Avni.

And so, he goes on to repeat the worn-out narrative that is the steady diet with which the mob of Jewish pundits has been feeding the gullible and obedient politico-journalistic establishment in America. He says that Israel––which is full of saintly Jews––has always wanted peace for the Middle East, but that its neighbors––who are a medley of demonic Christians and Muslims––have always wanted war. For this reason, Israel has defended America by sucking money and weapons from it, and has used these goodies to bomb the demonic neighbors, says Benny Avni.

And this is how Israel has managed to get the evil neighbors to stash massive amounts of weapons near Israel's borders, a sure sign that America is well defended according to that same Jewish logic. Did you get this part, my friend? If you didn't, let me help you with it. Think of what they say in some department stores. They say, “the more you buy, the more you save.” They have something similar in Judeo-Israeli logic. They say, “the more we bomb, the more rockets they stash.” And that's not for nothing because more stashed rockets require more bombing … and this is proof that Israel is succeeding even more. If you don't get this, my friend, you need to take a course in Jewish logic.

But now that Israel has succeeded to bring the enemy and its loads of weapons to its border, America must go to that border and bask in the glory of seeing its boys and girls die heroic deaths defending Israel, says Avni. But grieve not, ye parents of the dead because your kids will take with them enough cash to buy a piece of heaven. And this should motivate the Congress of useless idiots to appropriate even more cash for Israel. They'll hand it the money and thank it for the valuable service it has been rendering to America every day of the year.

Do you know what else Avni says they are saying in Israel? They say that the dreaded Christian and Muslim enemies of Israel are not the biggest threat in the region. The biggest threat is – get this now – “America's absence in the region.” It all makes sense according to Jewish logic. To know why, you need to think of it this way: The more bombs America gives to Israel, the more Israel bombs the neighbors, and the more rockets the neighbors bring to the region. There comes a time when Israel is overwhelmed with the breakneck action surrounding it, and cannot cope with the situation alone.

This is the point at which it becomes the responsibility of America to go in and save Israel. It is like the pusher of drugs that keeps supplying the addict with more and more drugs. There comes a time when the addict can no longer cope with his addiction. That's when he stops being responsible for his actions, and the responsibility falls on the shoulder of the pusher.

It’s that in real life, the ugly American has become the ugliest pusher of weapons and warmongering doctrine in history. World Jewry saw an opportunity to exploit this American trait, and turned Israel into a hub for malfeasance and horror. That's why Netanyahu is in America these days. He went there to put the final touches on a plan to kill more young Americans, and burn more of America's borrowed money. All that in a day's work.