Thursday, March 15, 2018

Stark Example of inferior Jewish Advice

Whether you're old enough to remember the movies of the 1950s, or too young to have missed them but fond enough to seek them and watch them, you must have noticed something we do not see in modern movies.

Whether the moving scenes depicted life in ancient Rome or they depicted life in the Wild West of the New World in the recent past, the conductors of chariots used to flog their horses to get them running faster.

If you want to know how the mobsters of Jewish punditry have been treating officials at the American State Department and the White House, you need to imagine a picture of political conductors flogging bureaucratic beasts of burden, forcing them to rush America into ruinous wars.

Having operated in that manner for decades, the Jewish mobsters are changing their mode of operation. They are out in force now, doing their new thing, led by the likes of Benny Avni who wrote: “Trump taps hawks to prep for Korea talks,” published on March 13, 2018 in the New York Post.

Experienced enough by now to realize that to openly threaten war or to advocate a course of action that may lead to war does not sit well with the American public, the mobsters are moderating their tune but not their message. They heard the people say they are tired of losing the lives of their young and the wealth of their nation to please a foreign entity such as Israel, or please American individuals of foreign origin.

The Jews heard the people of America say they had it up to here with electing politicians to serve them only to see these characters gravitate toward serving the Jews, the Taiwanese, the South Koreans, the Cubans and the Iranians who claim to be American when their hearts are clearly somewhere else. And the Jewish pundits heard the American people make clear this is not how their leaders should decide on matters of foreign policy.

To adapt to this reality and still push for the adoption of their warlike agenda, pundits of the Jewish mob have injected a little psychology – rather, a new version of the old reverse psychology – in their effort to fool the American population into believing that the voices they hear are not those of the warmongering Jews but those of their perfectly sane and well adjusted elected leaders.

To see how Benny Avni has accomplished this feat, all you need to do is read his first sentence, which happens to be his first full paragraph. It goes like this: “By reshuffling his team on the eve of his most spectacular foreign policy gambit, President Trump looks to be signaling that North Korea won't get needless concessions simply for talking. Good”.

Look how much work Avni put into this thing. First, he imagined a link between reshuffling the President's team and what he characterized as a foreign policy gambit. Having made this point without explaining the basis for it, he went on to speculate that the President has signaled to somebody – he doesn't say whom – that North Korea (again speculating) is looking for concessions. But he promised, on behalf of the President, that North Korea will get nothing on the cheap. Only now, does Avni give his stamp of approval to the entire enchilada so as to claim, in a very subtle way, ownership of this heart burning dish. “Good,” he exclaimed.

Having projected his desire into the President of the United States while, in a typically Jewish fashion, kept ownership of it, Avni decided he was now in a strong position to bestow that same desire as well as the benefits that flow from it onto the rest of the foreign policy team.

To that end, Benny Avni mentioned hawkish Nikki Haley who welcomed the departure of dovish Rex Tillerson. He quoted H.R. McMaster as saying: “We are determined to keep up the campaign of maximum pressure.” And he took a victory lap by mentioning that some success was achieved because “Trump convinced Xi Jinping that unless China acts on North Korea, the United States will”.

So much for the Jewish articulation of their newly adopted moderate tune. Now is the time to launch their harsh message. And here is how Avni signaled the start of the switchover: “But summits rarely lead to denuclearization. Regime changes do … America will continue joint military exercises in the region … a nuclear accord so flawed Trump may walk away from it … The president will need all the hawks he can gather”.

Yes, there is the old saying: “The more things change, the more they remain the same,” but the Jews are the first to say they don't want things to remain the same.

They claim to seek the change that will bring an end to the miserable existence they have endured for thousands of years, but do nothing to reverse the trend by reversing their mode of operation. Instead, they keep operating in the same manner and keep scoring the same results.

There is no doubt about it; these people define insanity.