Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hezbollah is Lebanese more than Dahl is American

America will not cease being a Jewish colony until it makes clear to the world that when so-called Jewish Americans speak as if they were authentic Americans – instead of plants of World Jewry which they are – the world should see the Jews of America as imposters enjoying equal protection under a Constitution that needs to be amended … soon.

Not only do these beguilers continue to assume the American citizenship they mentally renounced in favor of the Israeli citizenship, they wrap themselves in what credibility America still enjoys, and make decisions as to which foreigner deserves to be citizen of what foreign country. If you think this is a joke that will lead to a resolution meant to make you laugh, rest assured it is not. In fact, you can verify the veracity of the above assertions by reading Ziva Dahl's article which came under the title: “The problem is Hezbollah,” published on March 15, 2018 in The Washington Times.

Dahl speaks of “our Lebanese strategy” to mean the strategy of “us Americans” as if she were American at heart worrying about America's interests being endangered. Thus, she goes on to tell as pretentiously as you can imagine, what it is that’s worrying her. It is that America is “providing training and advanced military aid to the Lebanese Armed Forces,” she says. But why would this worry her? Because helping Lebanon is based “on the fallacy that it will promote stability and prevent Hezbollah from taking over the country,” she goes on to say. And so, she asserts that Hezbollah has already taken over Lebanon.

This is like someone of the Ziva Dahl mentality saying to the Chinese – and everyone else, for that matter – they must not buy American products, or deal with America in any way, shape or form because to do so will promote instability in the Western Hemisphere. All that based on the theory that the warmongering Jews have, for all practical purposes, taken over America.

To wit, speaking for America, Ziva Dahl quotes the assertions made by Jewish sources while repudiating those made by non-Jewish sources. For example, she quotes the extreme fanatic, Elliott Abrams as having said that Hezbollah runs Lebanon. She also quotes Tony Badran of the comical Jewish troupe pretending to defend “za damacracy of za Shamir” as having written that the Lebanese army and units of the Hezbollah militia participated in a joint military operation defending Lebanon's border against intruders violating the country's sovereignty. It is that in Jewish eyes when recruits from Chechnya, Pakistan, Europe and North America invade Lebanon, they are as legitimate as when Israel invades Lebanon. And this makes it so that the defenders of Lebanon – be they the regular Lebanese army or the Hezbollah militia – can only be thought of as terrorists.

Pointing to all this as evidence that something isn't kosher in this whole affair, Dahl repudiates what she calls “the American and European fiction that Hezbollah is merely a political participant.” Guess what else she does to strengthen her argument. She quotes the head of Hezbollah as having asserted that there is no distinction between the military and political wings of Hezbollah. This is like Ziva Dahl saying there is no distinction between Jewish Americans flying civilian airliners and Jewish Americans flying warplanes. What a revelation! We learn something new every time that the head of Hezbollah and Ziva Dahl agree on something.

As if this were not enough insults thrown at non-Jewish Americans, Dahl repudiated Tillerson's suggestion that Hezbollah has a legitimate role to play in Lebanon's politics. And what kind of a Jew would she be if she didn't denigrate former President Barack Obama. In fact, this is what she said about him: “In his effort to align with Iran, conveniently ignored Hezbollah and its partnership with Iran.” Notice that her beef this time is Hezbollah's partnership with Iran and not with the Lebanese military.

Now that Dahl has attacked Hezbollah's partnership with the Lebanese army and with Iran, why would she not attack Hezbollah's partnership with America? That, in fact, is what she did next. She protested that since 2006 America gave the Lebanese army $1.5 billion in military aid, and that it was planning to give that country another $120 million worth of aid.

This done, Dahl went on to do two other things known to be Jewish signatures. First, she has shown how little she believes in the ability of the Americans to read those – like herself – that seek to manipulate them. Here are her words: “Hezbollah has amassed missiles, threatening not only every town in Israel, but also American interests in the region.” That is, she is telling America that by protecting Israel, America will also protect itself. And when it comes to protecting yourself, you don't search for alternatives; you gear up for war and charge against the perceived enemy. She is a Jew, and her fantasy is the usual war, war, war.

Second, Dahl committed a deceptive act of the most Jewish kind. Here it is: “Lindsey Graham warned that Iran, through its proxy Hezbollah, may entice Israel into war in Lebanon and worries, 'I don't see a coherent plan'”.

Clearly, the intent of the writer here, stating her message in the style that she did, is to ascribe Graham's worries to the activities of Hezbollah in Lebanon. That, my friend, is a big Jewish lie.

The truth is that the quote she used came from an article that Graham published in the Wall Street Journal on March 13, 2018. His actual words were these: “I do not see a coherent strategy from the administration to combat Iran's growing influence in Iraq and the domination of Syria by Russia and Iran”. And there is nothing in that quote about Hezbollah in Lebanon. Lady Dahl lied to you.

Will you ever again believe anything Ziva Dahl says?