Saturday, December 21, 2019

If the Shoe fits, have them try another Pair

The phrase, “Jewish occupation of Palestine,” being a true description of the current situation in the Middle East, it has been accepted as an irrefutable fact by the whole world.

In consequence of the above, the Jews of Israel and America have expressed unhappiness about such development, and are complaining about it bitterly. For this reason, the expression, “if the shoe fits wear it,” should apply to them, but because the situation is a little more complicated than that, a better expression would be: “If the shoe fits, have them try another pair.” That's because every time the Jews try to justify the Israeli occupation of Palestine, they fall flat on their faces and so, they try another justification as if hoping to find a pair of shoes that will not fit.

Unable to find an argument that would explain why the Jewish occupation of Palestine is the right thing to do, the Jews have reverted to what they do best, which is to publicly slander everyone who disagrees with them. They called these good people anti-Semites, holocaust deniers, Jewish haters and now terrorists. In fact, this is what you'll encounter in the article that came under the title: “The Ugly Truth About BDS and Campus Antisemitism,” written by Jonathan S. Tobin and published on December 19, 2019 in Algemeiner.

In addition to relying on the Jewish habit of slandering those who disagree with them, Jonathan Tobin is now relying on two new habits that the Jews have already started, but are still in the process of developing. One habit is to create a definition that suits them, and then cite it as being the goalpost of how things ought to be. An example of that is the definition they created for the word “antisemitism,” and you can bet there will be more such definitions in the future. The other habit which the Jews are in the process of developing is the writing of an essay and characterizing it by the official sounding reference: a report. In fact, you'll encounter one such report they named, “The New Anti-Semites” as you read the Tobin article.

With these fake tools under his belt, Jonathan ‘Don Quixote’ Tobin, went into combat against the evil windmills whose hidden desire is to kill the Jewish King and destroy his Israeli Kingdom. Foremost among the killers he is battling, says the Quixotic Tobin, is Omar Barghouti, whom he falsely accuses of being associated with terrorism, and to whom he falsely attributes the creation of the BDS movement. In fact, the truth is that the boycott of Israel was started before Barghouti was born, and the only terror involved in this saga has been the dread that the Jews have inflicted on Barghouti.

It was the Arab nations that came up with the idea of boycotting Israel as far back as the decade of the 1950s. It happened because the Arabs realized that the Jews who were fleeing Europe, wanted more than a home where they could live like Jews and be safe. The Arabs had determined that the reason why the Jews were pouring into Palestine carrying weapons in both hands, was to build an empire on the ashes of neighbors they were planning to destroy. And so, to develop the leverage that will force Israel to halt its policy of expansion, the Arabs instituted the boycott.

And then it happened that the Palestinians discovered they were not benefiting from the boycott of Israel because the message was not reaching the masses in Europe and America who continued to buy Israeli products. Worse, those masses were now buying even the products that are made in the West Bank, and falsely labeled made in Israel as if the West Bank had already been annexed by Israel.

And so, young Palestinians and their supporters started to talk to their schoolmates, and this is how the BDS movement sprouted among the grassroots in the West. At some point, one of the guest-speakers on a college campus happened to be Barghouti. The Jews seized on this moment and made him the symbol of everything they fear about the germination of the truth on European and American campuses. This development so completely shocked the Jews, it caused them to introduce something deadly into the American way of life. Here is a description of how and why this came about:

Living under the most patriarchal and most autocratic system ever devised since the beginning of time, the Jewish culture never developed the art of debate. The edicts come from the rabbis down the chain of command to a citizenry that is allowed to engage only in nonsensical haggling, and only as long as it does not violate the rabbis' edicts.

And so, when confronted with the real debates of the Liberal Democratic world, the Jews started the habit of whispering in the ear of people in power, begging them to do things their way, and do them quietly because if they don't, all Jews will end up in the gas chambers and the incinerators once again. The Europeans were not impressed with this argument. The Americans swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Meanwhile, unable to win a debate against the Palestinians, the Jews took the American dumbos into the backroom, closed the door behind them, and whispered into their ears what they wanted done on America's campuses. And the dumbos gave them what they wanted.

And that's when the shoe did not fit. And that's when Jews like Jonathan Tobin smiled.