Monday, December 2, 2019

The upside-down World of Donald Trump's America

Can a three-year-old toddler insult the intelligence of his mother? Well, consider this scene: A mother walks into the room. She sees the open jar of candy on the floor with candy strewn all over the place. She turns to her three-year-old child and says: look what you did?

The child says he didn't do it. The mother reminds him that no one was in the room but him. He protests that the jar fell to the floor all by itself. And being an inventive little thing, he goes further and tells his mother he even tried to stop the jar from falling, but it fell down anyway all by itself.

So, let me ask you these questions, my friend: Did the child mean to insult the intelligence of his mother? Or did he think there was some truth to his story?

Whatever your answer, if you think that a scene like the above can only happen when children are involved, I advise you to think again. Meanwhile, you'll do well to check on what the Jewish propagandists are saying to the politico-journalistic crowd in the Washington Beltway, and how the crowd is responding to the propaganda. A recent example to study came under the title: “Truth-Telling to Advance Peace,” written by David M. Weinberg, and published on November 29, 2019 in the Jewish publication Algemeiner.

Having falsely accused the Palestinians of rejecting the idea of making peace with the Jews, here is what else David Weinberg and those like him are telling the Beltway crowd that's responsible for the continued occupation of Palestine, which it does by arming and financing the Jews of Israel:

“The Trump moves were designed to reset the Mideast diplomatic stage in a way that will advance the peace process. This means dialing down Palestinian expectations. The Palestinian leadership must be disabused of the notion that it can coerce Israel by appealing to international courts and tribunals. The canard that settlements are illegal, or a war crime, has been a key part of this Palestinian offensive. Applying the epithet 'illegal' makes a peace deal less likely. The longer the Palestinians adhere to an obstructionist policy, the less statehood they will get. Netanyahu said that Jews are not foreign colonialists in Judea and Samaria. Moshe Ta'alon said that one cannot be an occupant in his own land. 100 percent of the West Bank belongs to Israel. Israel will insist on maintaining control of the Jordan Valley and a very broad Jerusalem envelope”.

So, here is David Weinberg the Jew telling the American lawmakers and the executives in charge of enforcing those laws, that the laws they made together with the international community are not understood by that community. What he says implicitly, using different words, is that the international community objects to the idea that an Irish Catholic working at CNN, for example, and converting to Judaism in the hope of getting promoted, automatically becomes owner of Palestine. And so, Weinberg objects to the objection of the international community, and appeals to the Beltway crowd to do likewise.

David Weinberg and company go on to complain that by the same reasoning, the international community also rejects the idea that the “former” Irish has the right to move to Palestine, push away a Palestinian family that has lived there since the beginning of time, occupy its house and take possession of the adjacent farm without being a colonist or colonialist. In the eyes of the Weinbergs and those of the ilk, such rejection is so unfair to those who convert, Trump had to do what he did, not because of politics, but because it was the right thing to do.

For these reasons, says David Weinberg, the international community is wrong, and the American lawmakers and executives in charge of enforcing those laws, must be careful not to accept the faulty interpretation of the international laws, which America legislated together with the rest of the world.

Obviously then, like a three-year old toddler, David Weinberg does not believe that what he is saying amounts to insulting the intelligence of the American public that’s reading his words. But he knows that he cannot stop here, and so he goes on to explain why the Trump administration that keeps making a mockery of international laws, is correct whereas the critics of the Trump moves are wrong. Here is his explanation:

“Critics of the Trump administration's determination that settlements are not illegal, assert that it is motivated only by crass political considerations. These critics are wildly off base. As long as the world deems Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria to be illegal and considers the territories stolen property, the Palestinians have no reason to negotiate with Israel. What Washington has done is put the Palestinians on notice that the United States will not deliver Israeli concessions because peacemaking begins with truth-telling”.

And this is what Trump's America has become, my friend: A self-appointed cop that is so screwed up in the head, he tells the bank manager that as long as he considers the money taken by the armed robber to be stolen property, the robber will have no reason to negotiate returning the money or returning some of it or anything of the sort.

That's what the screwed-up cop does instead of informing the armed robber that as long as he considers robbing the bank to have been a kosher operation admonished by the God of the Old Testament, the bank manager will have no reason to negotiate with him on anything.

Therefore, in his capacity as a proud self-appointed cop, the American Donald Trump chose to listen to the three-year old toddler, and has declared that in the interest of telling the truth in the upside-down form, he will not inform the bank manager that he’ll deliver concessions from the armed robber, and neither will he “deliver Israeli concessions” to the Palestinians.