Monday, December 16, 2019

To the spoiled Brat everything is existential

Two articles brought memories that go back almost fifteen years. One came under the title: “The new EU Push for Palestinian Statehood Is Dangerous for Israel,” written by Yoni Ben Menachem, and published on December 15, 2019 in the Jewish publication Algemeiner.

The other article came under the title: “Like Pepsi, Democrats Need To Reverse Course on Boycotting Israel,” and the subtitle: “A growing number of Democrats tolerate, even gladly support, the movement to boycott Israel. They justify it in the name of free speech and social justice, but it's economic warfare.” It was written by Melissa Langsam Braunstein and published three days earlier, on December 12, 2019 in The Federalist.

The title of the Yoni Ben Menachem article put the story in a nutshell: “Palestinian statehood is dangerous for Israel.” As to the title of the Melissa Braunstein article, it hints to how the Democratic Party in America may begin to alleviate the pressure on Israel. Stop boycotting Israel, says the writer.

These two articles brought memories of the day when the small hospital in the town where I live sent me to do a bypass operation in the big hospital of a nearby city. In fact, that hospital was setting aside one day every so often for patients that came from the nearby small towns. The hospital had several operating rooms, and the patients waited up to an hour for their turn to be wheeled into one of those rooms.

We waited, each in our bed, separated by portable walls, in row after row of makeshift cubicles. The rows themselves were separated by walkways that served as corridors. We were mostly people of advanced age, except for one. He was a child of about three or four years of age … and he cried most of the time. His mother held him in her arms, bounced him up and down, and sang him a lullaby. He would quiet down, and when she stopped bouncing him or singing, he knew how to get her going. He pretended to have a terrible cough, and before he started crying again, she would bounce him and sing to him.

At some point, the mother got tired and handed him to the nurse who started telling him he'll be okay because the doctor will not hurt him. But the child was not satisfied with that, and so he started coughing his terrible cough. He kept at it till the nurse got the message, and started bouncing him in her arms. That's when he stopped coughing … to start again when she stopped bouncing him.

You could tell this was one spoiled child that knew how to get what he wanted from his parents. And that's precisely the character I saw in the Jews who reminded me of him. The Jewish parody that imitates the child's cough has always been to cry out gimme this, gimme that and gimme the other things, or Israel will cease to exist because anything that upsets the status quo is an existential threat to Israel.

That's what Ben Menachem is saying with regard to the moves initiated by the European Union (EU) to recognize the Palestinian State. Bear in mind that the Foreign Minister of the EU reassured everyone that, “Such a move would not be anti-Israel … We must never lose sight of Israel's security conditions, as well as of justice and dignity for the Palestinian people.” Still, like a spoiled three-year old, the Jews continue to whine and cough out the discredited claim that, “An independent Palestinian state in the West Bank is a serious danger to Israel's security”.

By that, they mean a Palestinian state will pose an existential threat to Israel. Come to think of it, I never heard of a three-year old that said do not reward another kid with something he wants because if you do, I'll die. Only the Jews would say something like this … and they did.

As to Melissa Braunstein, she put a saying she agrees with between quotation marks without attributing the quote to someone. It doesn't matter. She agrees with it, and that's what's important to this discussion. So, speaking of the old Arab boycott of Israel, as distinct from the modern BDS movement, here is that quotation: “The boycott was part of the Arab League's policy to weaken and eventually destroy the Jewish state.”

She says she learned about that when in 1983, she was 5 years old and on a trip to Israel. Well, I was in Canada then, and was almost as old on that year as she is today. But the Arab boycott of Israel started long before that, and during the 7 years that I lived in Egypt, I never heard of anything which meant to convey the notion that the boycott intended to destroy Israel. Instead, the discussion was always about forcing Israel to stop its expansionist policy, which it did at the expense of the Palestinians.

And this happens to be the same spirit that's motivating the base as well as the leaders of the Democratic Party in America. Here is what Melissa Braunstein discovered: “The intra-party debate has shifted to leveraging American military assistance to shape Israeli policy.” As you can see, nothing in here hints at the destruction of Israel.

But if you give Braunstein and those like her a little bit of time, you'll see them regress to an infantile state and whine that America is about to let Israel be destroyed, without lifting a finger to rescue it.