Saturday, December 14, 2019

She said she'd go to Mother, he gave her the US

Here is what a handful of Jews know that the Americans don't know.

Having inherited much of his father's character, Donald J. Trump grew up hating everybody, except that he tolerated the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP,) but only barely so. Of those whom he hated, Donald Trump reserved the deepest loathing for the African Americans and the Jews.

Later in life, Donald Trump's hormonal glands started to work overtime, and he developed a taste for the Eurasian look of the Eastern European females. He married one of them and sired children with her, among them a girl that grew up to be very close to her mother.

When marital problems arose in the Trump family, due to his adulterous promiscuity and his cheating on his wife, the children became distraught, especially the girl who developed an intense hatred for her father. And the more that she hated him, the closer she was drawn to her mother.

When she was old enough to marry, the girl got the idea of using her marriage as a dagger to plunge into her father's heart to avenge his abominable treatment of her mother. Knowing how much he hated the Jews, she decided she’ll marry a Jew.

Lucky for her, being the daughter of a prominent personality with a dubious reputation, the Jewish machine for identifying this kind of daughters and matching them with Jewish boys who themselves, have a dubious pedigree –– had its eyes on her. The machine picked the “right” Jewish boy for her, and organized the many coincidences that brought the two together by “chance,” of course. The stealthily organized matchmaking worked like a charm, and resulted in the girl converting to Judaism and marrying the Jewish boy.

Meanwhile, being the ambitious character that he is, Donald Trump succeeded in ascending to the highest office in the land: the presidency of the United States of America. Having a frosty relationship with his daughter, scared him to death, fearing that she would distance herself still further from him, and develop a visibly close relationship with her mother. He thought she might be inclined to hurt him, using her newly found fame (thanks to him) as a way to intensify her vendetta against him.

Priding himself on being a deal maker, Donald Trump made a deal with his daughter. He offered her and her Jewish husband high positions in his administration in return for not developing a visibly close relationship with her mother. On advice of the Jewish machine that was standing behind her and working full time in the exploitation of America to serve Israel, the girl accepted the deal.

This is when the opportunistic Jews found themselves deluged with a tsunami of opportunities. The first thing they did was work on the girl. They drove her into such a deep catatonic state, she would not question anything they asked her to extort from her father. And so, she repeatedly asked for favors and got them by mumbling words to the effect that she might go to her mother if he proves not to love her enough.

The trick worked every time on Donald Trump because he was beginning to grow shakier and less confident by the day. After a few repetitions of that kind, he fell into the mode of not arguing with her when she asked for something. As if in a psychotic state, he mindlessly and automatically agreed to every request she made.

While this was going on, the Jews drew a list of all that they wished America would do for them and for Israel, especially in the Middle East. They had Donald J. Trump deliver it to them like a butler under blackmail that's waiting on his Jewish master, endeavoring to please him to the fullest. After three years of this kind of nonsense, the Jews realized that there was very little to do in foreign affairs, except for the Iran question that neither they nor the Americans knew how it might end.

This was the reason why the Jews began to turn to domestic American affairs. They developed a creepy method by which to intrude into the American sociopolitical system, aiming to control every aspect of American life. Their immediate plan was and continues to be the revival and re-adaptation of the old formula that worked so well for their parents and grandparents.

Pursuing the dual track of whining about being shabbily treated in America, and seeking to “educate” the American public about Jewish sensitivities, the older generation of Jews had managed to take control of a good chunk of American life.

In time, America woke up to that demonic game, and began to extricate itself from the yoke of Jewish domination. This is why the current generation of Jews is whining about being shabbily treated in America, and seeking to take control of the country’s system of education, which it does under the pretext that the system needs fixing.

But the real intent of the Jews is to have innocent American children to work on, and prepare them to have them hand America to the Jews and to Israel in the not too distant future.

This is what Donald Trump has just delivered to his daughter, to her Jewish husband, and to Israel. He did it by signing an Executive Order about a fictitious need to combat anti-Semitism in the colleges.