Sunday, December 1, 2019

Look how they justify Crimes against Humanity

A saying goes like this: “The lawyer that has himself for client is a fool.” There is a great deal of truth in this piece of wisdom because when you have a case, you're so close to it, you may see a few individual trees, but you cannot get a full view of the forest.

In addition, if what happened to you has affected you a great deal emotionally, your vision would be distorted, and this will add to your difficulties. Thus, it will be extremely unlikely for you to have an “objective” view of the case, which is why the best thing to do under the circumstances, is retain someone and give them power of attorney to represent you.

The same kind of difficulties apply to those who wish to write their own stories and address, not a judge or a jury, but the public at large. Since you cannot retain someone to write your story as intimately as you can, the best thing to do is wait as long as you can before venturing to tell the stories that have affected you the most. That's because time heals, like they say, but it does something else too: It changes you enough to turn you into a different person.

In fact, if you've gone through a traumatic experience and you think about it ten years later, you'll remember how you felt then, and realize how different that was from how you feel today. You'll know you are effectively a different person. You'll be cognizant of the most intimate stories and sentiments that used to power you then and yet, you'll be so detached from them now that you'll be able to write about them objectively. Thus, you can safely become a literary advocate for the different person that you were ten years ago. It is as if you're an attorney retained to represent someone who is not you.

This is what happened to me, and I had something else going for me as well. It was the fact that the people who did what they did to me, are still around and doing the same kind of thing to someone else. They are the Jews who spent decades trying to make me give up on life, now subjecting the Palestinians––whose properties they steal whenever they can––to the same kind of mental torture, trying to force them to give up their heritage and just disappear. What connects their story and mine even more tightly, is that I have been interested in the plight of the Palestinians for a long time. And this is one of the reasons why the Jews have wanted me to give up on life, the same as they treat the Palestinians.

So then, what is the most important parallel between what the Jews have been doing to me, and what they are doing to the Palestinians? Simply put, the Jews have in both cases, been corrupting the honchos who wield power and influence in government, securing both their silence and their inaction. The Jews got this much from the honchos by promising them insight of such value, it will be gained as they watch the deterioration of me while the Jews subjected me to mental torture comparable to crimes against humanity. Their problem, however, was that I knew what they were doing, and instead of succumbing to their demonic trickery, I studied them and had a rewarding time.

Beside tickling the voyeurism tendency of the Peeping Toms high above –– seeing and knowing this much about me, courtesy of the Globe and Mail, a Canadian publication that teamed with the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police –– those characters were promised the kind of raw insight that will help them produce public policy so fabulous, it will earn them the admiration of the public in Canada and the masses around the world.

The Palestinian parallel to that, was the promise made by the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate to the Evangelical prostitutes of America that when all of Palestine will become Israel, the Jews will invite the street walkers of the religious red light district, to come and share the stolen properties with the jubilant Jews.

What happened instead, is that the Jews have as usual, pushed their luck too far, resulting in the gradual loss of control over America's holders of power and influence. You can see what the Jews are saying to these people to entice them back into the Jewish fold. What you need to do is read the article that came under the title: “What those 107 Democrats got wrong,” written by Stephen M. Flatow and published on November 27, 2019 in the Jewish News Syndicate. Here is a condensed version of its content:

“The letter from 107 members of Congress declaring that Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, are illegal is wrong. It claims that the new US policy could lead to a more entrenched conflict. It asserts that the US policy harms the possibility of a contiguous Palestinian state. The letter points out that Article 40 of the Fourth Geneva Convention affirms that any occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its civilian population into the territory it occupies. Article 49 was drafted in the aftermath of World War II, aimed at countering what the Nazis did. The term Occupied Territory, refers to a country like Nazi Germany, illegally occupying somebody else's territory. But Judea-Samaria and Jerusalem were never part of a sovereign country other than the Jewish kingdoms. The Jewish claim to that land is rooted in the Bible”.

So here you have it. Stephen Flatow who is a Jewish lawyer, is saying that what count are not the laws made by man to regulate the conduct of nations, but what the Jews interpret from reading the Old Jewish Testament.

Now, my friend, you know why the world is getting ready to teach the Jews the lesson it has been inflicting on them again and again … and they never learn it.